
105.8 『自律神经失调之失眠』医案一则


A Case Study of Insomnia Due to Autonomic
Nervous System Dysregulation
47 岁女性患者,近三年起睡眠状况不稳定,时常躺很久不易入睡,有时候要躺 1-2
疹等症状,也时不时有胃胀气,消化不良,便秘... 等问题。患者较喜食辛辣口味食物,
Chen ,Chun-Ju
Jingher Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic
A 47-year-old female patient has experienced unstable sleep patterns over the past three
years. She often lies awake for extended periods before falling asleep, sometimes taking 1-2 hours to do so. In the past year, her symptoms have worsened, with frequent insomnia episodes lasting until dawn, occasional nocturnal awakenings, and difficulty falling back asleep.Poor sleep quality is associated with symptoms such as nocturnal palpitations, hand sweating, and gastric discomfort, including bloating, indigestion, and constipation. The patient has a preference for spicy foods and warm beverages, and exhibits traits of anxiety, impatience, and perfectionism.
Physical examination reveals fair complexion, delicate skin texture, pale tongue with thin white coating, and thin pulse. TCM diagnosis suggests liver qi stagnation, spleen deficiency leading to improper digestion, and dysfunction of the large intestine. Treatment involves regulating liver qi, clearing liver heat, promoting bowel movements, and addressing symptoms with a combination of modified Xiaoyao San, Ganmai Dazao Tang, Longdan Xiegan Tang, and acupuncture targeting the autonomic nervous system. Symptoms gradually improve with the prescribed treatment regimen.
【Keywords】 Insomnia, Liver yin deficiency, modified Xiaoyao San, Longdan Xiegan Tang, Acupuncture for autonomic nervous system disorders