
105.7 经前症候群之经前头痛病例报告


A Case Report of Premenstrual Headache
李育珊1,2 张凯惟1,3 张扬楷1,3 龚彦颖1,3,4 陈方佩1,3,4 杨仁邻1,3,4,*
本病例为一位36 岁女性,经前剧烈头抽痛及胀痛,由後脑延伸至头顶,疼痛指数至
8 分,且每日服用止痛药仍无法缓解且疼痛加重难耐,於2022 年07 月至台北荣民总医
标实,治以疏肝健脾、平肝潜阳、理气活血药物标本同治,治疗後疼痛指数减由8 分减
为3 分,显示中医治疗对於妇女经期症状调理及疼痛有良好的疗效,减少病症复发及严
1 Center of Traditional medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2 School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, Tzu Chi University,
Hualien, Taiwan
3 Institute of Traditional Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
4 School of Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
This case is a 36-year-old woman who has suffered from severe headache and distending pain, extending from the back to the top of the head, with a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) of 8 points before menstruation. Despite taking painkillers every day, the pain was still unbearable.
In July 2022, she came to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital for medical consultation. From the aspects of traditional Chinese medicine, the syndromes could be classified as stagnation of liver and spleen deficiency, hyperactivity of liver yang, and stagnation of qi and blood stasis, deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality.
The medicine treats both symptoms and root causes by dispersing stagnated liver qi and
strengthening spleen, soothing liver and suppressing hyperactive liver and regulating qi and promoting blood circulation. After the treatment, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was reduced to 3 points, which shows that traditional Chinese medicine has good effect on relieving women’s menstrual symptoms and pain, also can reduce the recurrence and severity of the symptoms.
【Keywords】 premenstrual headache, dispersing stagnated liver qi and strengthening spleen, soothing liver and suppressing hyperactive liver, regulating qi and promoting blood circulation