
105.5 《黄帝内经》「胞脉」应用思路


Application concept of “Uterine Vessel” in the
Huang Di Nei Jing
余宛真1 沈邑颖2
【关键词】胞脉 心经 小肠经 桂枝茯苓丸 通里穴 支正穴
Wan-Zhen Yu 1, Yi-Ying Shen 2*
1Graduate Institute of Acupuncture Science, China Medical University, Taichung City, Taiwan
From the exposition of the Huang Di Nei Jing and the interpretations of various medical
experts throughout history, the meaning and function of the Uterine Vessel are well understood. The Uterine Vessel is associated with the heart, and the heart is in an interior-exterior relationship with the small intestine. It can be inferred that the Uterine Vessel is likely a meridian system connecting the heart and the small intestine. When we diagnose that the disease is related to the Uterine Vessel, combining clinical observations, we can prescribe Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill and select network acupoints of Heart Meridian and Small Intestine Meridian, such as Tongli and Zhizheng, for the best results.