
104.4 中医治疗异位性皮肤炎之病例报告


A Case Report of Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis
Treated with TCM
林庭淇1 林沛颖2
5 岁3 个月大女性患者患有异位性皮肤炎 (Atopic Dermatitis) ,於2021 年9 月
10 日至桃园长庚纪念医院就诊,主诉肤痒加重2 个月,当下服用类固醇、环孢素、希普
消风散加减以清热燥湿、祛风养血,经中药治疗4 个月後,症状改善,并停用西药。显
Ting-Chi Lin1 Pei-Ying Lin2*
1, 2Division of Internal Chinese Medicine, Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
A 5 years and 3 months old female toddler, who suffered from atopic dermatitis, came to
Taoyuan Chang Gung Memorial Hospital on September 10, 2021, due to aggravated skin itching for 2 months. Her symptoms were controlled under steroids, cyclosporine, and cyproheptadine, however got worsened after discontinuation of the steroid intake. The traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) pattern was identified as wind, dampness, and heat mixed type. Therefore, Xiao Feng San was given to clear heat, remove dampness, dispell pathogenic wind, and nourish blood.
After 4 months of treating with TCM, the symptoms improved, and medicine was discontinued.
It shows that atopic dermatitis can be well treated under the pattern identification and treatment
of traditional Chinese medicine. And TCM can be used as an alternative therapy for reducing
steroids usage.
【Keywords】Atopic dermatitis; steroid; Xiao Feng San