
104.1 中国传统医学面对Covid-19 之研究样貌探讨
中国传统医学面对Covid-19 之研究样貌探讨
Discussion on the research appearance of
traditional Chinese medicine in the face of
周昱利1 张腾睿2*
2* 政治大学图书资讯与档案学研究所,台北,台湾
COVID-19 在2019 年底初现足迹,2020 年开始快速侵袭全球,整个世界各种层面受
到严重的冲击。面对COVID-19 这未知的疫情,因应需要的资讯,相关机构投入大量的人
力与金钱进行研究。在近3 年中,西方医学除研发与供给全世界预防疫苗及治疗药物外,
也关切其他方面,并提出成果。本研究发现在这次COVID-19 的肆虐下,中国传统医学也
极大的效能。为此,本研究以2020 年至2022 年间,全球中国传统医学研究在Scopus 资
料库中的研究成果,进行研究回顾。经筛选後,获得126 篇的文献。经过分析,显示近
年,中国传统医学面对药物治疗的副作用、中西药( 治疗) 如何结合、如何提高预防
Zhou,Yu-Li1 Chang,Teng-Jui2*
1Association of Service Industries,Taiwan
2* Institute of Library, Information and Archives, National Chengchi University
COVID-19 first showed its footprints at the end of 2019, and began to rapidly invade the
world in 2020, and the whole world has been severely impacted at various levels. In the face of the unknown epidemic of COVID-19, relevant organizations have invested a lot of manpower and money in research in response to the information needed. In the past three years, in addition to developing and supplying preventive vaccines and therapeutic drugs to the world, Western medicine has also paid attention to other aspects and made achievements. This study found that under the ravages of COVID-19, Chinese traditional medicine has also invested considerable energy in research and response research, and the drugs developed (such as: Qingguan No. 1) also provide great efficacy in treatment. To this end, this study conducts a research review based on the research results of global traditional Chinese medicine research in the Scopus database from 2020 to 2022. After screening, 126 literatures were obtained. After analysis, it shows that in the past three years, traditional Chinese medicine has invested a lot of research energy in the face of side effects of drug treatment, how to combine Chinese and Western medicine (treatment), how to improve the preventive effect, and achieved good results.
【Keywords】Covid-19, traditional Chinese medicine, bibliometrics, research topic trends