
102.2 从中医角度探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎重症高风险人群及中药治疗调理方案


The Discussion of TCM on High-Risk Populations of Acute SARS-CoV-2 and
Treatment Principles
林顺木1* 颜伟鑫2 奚蓓莉2 邹征希2
1 马来西亚立康专科医院仁中医部主任医师暨西医内科专科医生
2 马来西亚立康专科医院仁中医部临床医师
目前为止基於多国疾控中心统计资料,老年人、II 型糖尿病及高血压患者感染新型冠状病毒肺炎後转变成重症及发生死亡几率偏高的情况。本文从中医角度探讨此类重症高风险病患体质普遍以虚证为主,并夹杂湿、热、瘀、毒兼证。在东南亚区域,新型冠状病毒肺炎以“湿热为主”,病患一经感染,热邪加剧病情,影响各脏腑导致功能严重失调或发生实质性损害。而西医观点认为,这类患者血清张力素酶2(ACE 2)表达量偏低,感染新型冠状病毒肺炎後导致肺部ACE2 蛋白数量和功能降低,并引发急性肺衰竭。针对此类慢性病患状况,中医药干预重在平时体质调理,扶正为主,辨证驱邪为辅的治疗调理原则。
Soon-Bock Lin1* Wee-Sin Ngan2 Bei-Li Xi 2 Zheng-Xi Chew2
1Regency Specialist Hospital SDN BHD in Malaysia, Department of Ren Tcm SDN BHD
Medical Director & Internal Medicine Specialist
2Regency Specialist Hospital SDN BHD in Malaysia, Department of Ren Tcm SDN BHD Practitioner
With reference from the statistics released by CDC of various ries, elderlies, hypertension and type II diabetes patients possessed higher risk of transforming into severe stages and death rate as compared to normal individuals. This paper investigates the body constitution of this high-risk patients from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective. They are generally asthenic, mingled with dampness, heat, stasis and toxin. Most SARS-CoV-2 cases at South East Asia region are classfied into “dampness heat pestilence” in TCM. The heat pathogen aggravate their symptoms by affecting organ functions, inducing dysfunction and damages. However, from the Western Medicine perspective, infection caused the drastic decrease of ACE2 proteins, functions and induced acute lung failure, leading to the low-presence of ACE2. TCM focus on the principle of moderating body constitutions, strengthening and eliminating pathogens for this type of patients.
SARS-CoV-2, Risk Factors, Severity, Comorbidity, ACE 2, body constitution, asthenic syndrome, strengthening healthy Qi