
102.1 从《内经》九宫八风理论探讨中医时空医学思想


Demonstration of TCM Time and Space Medicine Theory through the Nine Palaces
and Eight Winds Theory of Huangdi Neijing
1 基础医学院,广州中医药大学,广州,中国
通过天文学、地理学、考古学、气候学、中医临床学等相关资料,进行多方面跨学科研究,阐明《黄帝内经》九宫八风理论把北斗历法、河洛地区的地理特点、自然气候以及人体对自然的机能反映等规律有机地联系起来,真正做到了系统性、有逻辑、综合地理解自然界与人体疾病的关系,是中医「天地人三才」时空医学思想的代表,对中医疾病的预防 、诊治有临床指导意义。由此可见,中医时空医学思想「上知天文,下知地理,中知人事」,既充满了哲学思考的智慧,又有坚实的自然科学基础。
Ming-shu Li1*
1Department of Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou University of Chinese
Medicine, Guangzhou, China
Both Chinese and Western medicine belonged to traditional medicine in the 18th and 19th centuries, but since the 20th century, Western medicine has been combined with modern technology and has made rapid progress, and Western medicine has become modern medicine. Even today, Western medicine has been making progress. Chinese medicine is still called traditional medicine. Our (traditional) Chinese medicine should not only inherit and develop, but also combine and innovate, and hope to create a new model of traditional Chinese medicine education in Taiwan.
The Nine Palaces and Eight Winds Theory, the Time and Space Medicine theory of traditional Chinese medicine, The Big Dipper Calendar, Geography of Heluo Area, Huangdi Neijing