
99.6 症状与病位判别在中医失智症治疗的运用
Application of Distinguishing Symptoms and Problem Locations in Treatment of
Dementia in Traditional Chinese Medicine
失智症起因於大脑的退化与功能缺损,不同部位的大脑失能会表现出大相迳庭的临床表现。举例而言,枕叶退化以视觉错认和视幻觉为主,而额叶退化的核心症状则是人格改变及思考规画困难。如何在中医临床诊疗时,透过问诊评估了解个案可能的退化部位,是失智症中医临床非常重要的议题。中医师在确定个案的主要症状与相应的病位後,可以选择相应的穴位给予针灸、电针、按摩等刺激。本文将介绍大脑最主要的解剖结构- 脑叶的退化症状,并给予临床治疗建议,以供临床中医师叁考。
Shun-Ku Lin*
Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, RenAi Branch. Department of
Health, Taipei City Covernment
The cause of dementia is brain degeneration and functional impairment.Different parts of the brain have various symptoms. Cases of dementia of the same severity will also have multiple clinical manifestations. For example, the signs of occipital degeneration are mainly visual misidentification and visual hallucinations, while the core symptoms of frontal degeneration are personality changes and difficulty in thinking and planning. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners can assess possible degenerative parts through consultation during clinical diagnosis and treatment. After determining the case’s leading symptoms and the corresponding disease location, the Chinese physician can choose the corresponding acupuncture points to give acupuncture, electric acupuncture, massage, and other stimuli. This paper will introduce the most important anatomical structure of the brain-the degenerative symptoms of the brain lobe and give clinical treatment recommendations.
【Keywords】dementia, acupuncture, lobes of the brain, behavioral and
psychological symptoms of dementia, cognitive function