
99.1 台湾中医药发展法通过後之愿景与挑战


Prospect and Challenge of Chinese Medicine after Enactment of Taiwan Chinese
Medicine and Pharmacy Act
台湾中医药发展法业於民国108 年12 月6 日立法院三读通过,同年12月31 日总统公布实施,该法已确立国家中医药发展之基本原则,建立台湾中医药发展新的里程碑,在中医中药现况与进展各有五大面向,并且将订定後续其他子法。
Yi-Chau Huang
Department of Chinese Medicine, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan
This article aims for the discuss of prospect and challenge of traditional medicine after enactment of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Act in Taiwan. Taiwan’ s Ministry of Health and Welfare will keep promote the Chinese medicine now.
【Keywords】Taiwan, Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Act, Ministry of Health and Welfare