
95.11 小儿外感後咳嗽两例
Two Cases of Cough after External Disorder in Children
本篇讨论两个小儿咳嗽的案例,皆为外感後咳嗽反覆,於夜间好发,前来申主任门诊求诊。第一例为10 岁女童受风热外感,咽痛、流黄涕、咳嗽有浓痰,多数症状在服西药後皆已改善,唯咳嗽持续;第二例为4 岁男童,喜食甜品冰品,在107 6 月感冒後,每个月开始反覆外感,且咳嗽久久不愈。
Yi Zhong Shen*
Taipei City Hospital, KunMing Branch
Two infantile cough were external cough repeatedly came for outpatient consultation. The first case was a 10-year-old girl by wind fever, sore throat,runny nose, cough and sputum, most of the symptoms relief after taking western medicine, only cough lasted; the second case was 4-year-old boy, ate dessert ice products, after the cold, every month began to repeatedly external, and cough for a long.
Keywords Children external, repeated cough, lung Qi deficiency