
92.3 猪苓汤治疗慢性摄护腺炎临床病例报告
The Therapeutic Effect of Chu Ling Tang on Chronic Prostatitis–A Case Report
翁逸翔 杨晋玮*
本病例报告为一48 岁男性,自述2016 年2 月开始有下腹部有肿胀情形,并且有血精,且摄护腺液呈现深咖啡色,於西医门诊断为慢性摄护腺炎。2016 年12 月14 日於桃园长庚中医内科就诊,经中医诊治辨证为下焦湿热。初诊处方给予猪苓汤加减,一周後症状减缓,二诊三诊持续进步,五诊时已无下腹部肿胀和血精,摄护腺液也不呈现深咖啡色,治疗效果令人振奋,本病案说明传统医药治疗慢性摄护腺炎不失为另一选择。
Yi-Xiang WengChing-Wei Yang*
Department of Chinese Medicine, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
A 48-year-old male had suffered from lower abdominal fullness since 2016/02. The symptoms included hemospermia, and prostate fluid revealed dark brown. He visited Urologist, and chronic prostatitis was diagnosed. He visited our Chinese Medicine department on 2016/12/14. After four examinations were performed, we determined the patterns is dampness-heat in lower jiao. Based on Chinese medical differential diagnosis, we prescribed Chu Ling Tang. The symptoms improved after one week TCM treatment. After two months, there were no lower abdominal fullness, no hemospermia, and no dark brown within prostate fluid. In conclusion, Chinese Medicine may be the complementary therapy of chronic prostatitis and even can be the first choice of this intractable disease.
Chronic prostatitis, Chu Ling Tang, traditional Chinese medicine