
92.1 中医治疗胃食道逆流临床病例报告
Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Using Traditional Chinese Medicine A Case Report
胃食道逆流为一高盛行率疾病,最常出现之临床症状为胸中灼热以及胃酸逆流,其次可能出现症状有胸痛、吞咽困难、乾咳、声音沙哑、咽喉异物感等,现代医学主要用药物治疗以及给予适当饮食习惯卫教,严重的案例可能需要外科手术治疗。此外本病造成肠胃道症状亦与生活压力情志有关,发病过程与中医胃脾肾相关。本病例报告为43 岁男性,受到胃灼热感、胃胀、胃气上逆感困扰5 年馀,期间接受胃镜检查确诊为胃食道逆流,服用西药後症状缓解但停药後症状复发,因此至本院中医求诊,经过一个多月治疗,患者胃部症状大幅改善,且已不需使用西药来改善临床症状。本病案说明传统中医药不失为治疗胃食道逆流的另一选择。。
Yanbin Huang*
Department of Chinese Medicine, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease with high prevalence in modern society. The most common symptoms includes heart burning and regurgitation. Chest pain, dysphagia, dry cough, hoarseness, and globus sensation are also noted in some cases. The treatment of GERD now are medication and patient education. In some severe cases, surgical intervention should be considered. Besides, emotional problem due to life stress should be concerned in these patients. Chinese medicine is focus on the balance between stomach,spleen, and kidney. In this case, a 43-year-old male, who had suffered from epigastric burning sensation, epigastric fullness, and regurgitation for more than 5 years, received panendoscope exam and was diagnosed as GERD. The symptoms subsided after medication treatment, but was recurrent again after medication was stopped. Therefore, he visited our Chinese Medicine department. After 1-monthcourse of treatment with Chinese Medicine, all the symptoms had been improved,and he didn’t take western medicine anymore. In this case report, Chinese Medicine is proved to be a efficient treatment in GERD.
Gastroesophageal reflux, Chinese Medicine