


A Case Report of the Comfrey Balm Used on the Patient with Pressure Sore
黄明雯1,2 卢昱竹1 王健豪1*
1 花莲慈济医院中医部,花莲,台湾
2 玉里慈济医院中医科,花莲,台湾
压疮常见於长时间卧床的患者,台湾的压疮盛行率在长期照护机构为6%。本例患者为安养中心之卧床病人,最初先以口服抗生素配合伤口护理的疗效不佳,照顾者希望加入中医治疗。初期投以补气生肌之中药治疗,伤口范围开始变小,尔後为了加速伤口愈合再配合加味紫云膏外敷。在本案例中压疮伤口边缘呈红紫色,按压肿硬,显示有深部组织损伤,局部处在发炎红肿未消退的状态,担心有感染风险,故於紫云膏中加上黄芩、黄连与黄柏以清热消肿帮助伤口愈合,并预防感染的发生。配合外敷加味紫云膏後,伤口愈合的速度增快,在涂抹加味紫云膏的66 天後,压疮於104 年3 月15 日完全愈合。
Ming-Wen Huang1,2 Yu-Chu Lu1 Chien-Hao Wang1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan
2Department of Chinese Medicine, Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan
Pressure sores are common in bedridden patients in long-term care institutions. In Taiwan, prevalence rate of pressure ulcers is 6%. A bedridden patient of a nursing home at first was treated with oral antibiotics accompanying wound care. As efficacy was low, Chinese medicine treatment was included. Initial Chinese medicine treatment strategy was to tonify qi. As a result, the wound’s size began to decrease. Subsequently comfrey balm was added to accelerate wound healing. Appearance of wound(red and purple color, swollen and hard when pressed)indicated deep tissue injury. Therefore, to minimize the risk of infection Scutellaria baicalensise, Coptis chinensis and Cortex phellodendri were added to clear heat. After 66 days of treatment with the comfrey balm the pressure sore was healed.
Keywords:Comfrey Balm, Pressure Sore