


Case Report of Psychogenic Alopecia Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine
黄志男1 李聪界1*
1 财团法人彰化基督教医院中医部,彰化,台湾
本病例为一64 岁女性,二个月持续掉发,自述发病初始洗发後即产生掉发现象,数量约为每日一撮发,初步检视头皮发量稀疏;经检视头皮无明显异样。症状起先始发生於二个多月前儿子轻生自杀,情绪低落每天哭泣,後续出现掉发及眠差症状,转而寻求中医治疗。以中医病因病机分析,研判因年老体衰、饮食过度控制、情志失调病因,造成化源不足、耗伤太过、脏腑受损、肝失疏泄病机发展,最後形成心气阴虚、肝郁气滞、肾气虚弱、气血不足的证型。近程治疗方向以心气阴虚、肝郁气滞为主。治以养心益阴,疏肝解郁,宁神安躁之法,一个月内显着改善脱发及眠差易醒的症状。
Chih-Nan Huang1 Tsung Chieh Lee1*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua,
The alopecia embarrass human being much more than before. Causes of alopecia included the lack of nutrition supplies, congenital abnormalities, hypothyroidism, and autoimmune system attacking hair follicles. Skin-related diseases inhibiting the growth of hair follicle is the most common cause. Tracing back, Chinese ancient books already had some description about alopecia. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, scholars had a preliminary understanding of the pathogen of alopecia. The pathogenesis and pathology in the Sui Dynasty included internaland external factors, mainly because of their own body and wind invasion.Traditional Chinese medicine in the Tang Dynasty developed expelling wind, heat clearing, nourishing yin and other methods of treatments. After that, surgical ringworm disease and blood stasis are believed to have correlation by following scholars with alopecia. This case aims to illustrate the clinical experiences, literatures, and to provide effective case-sharing to clinical Chinese medicine practitioners.
This 64-year-old female had continuous alopecia for two months. Though the scalp hair was sparse, physical examination revealed no obvious scalp abnormalities. Symptoms right after her son committed suicide 2 months ago, the time she kept crying and underwent depression mood every day. Due to progressive hair loss and sleep disorders, she look for Chinese medicine treatment.
According to pathogenesis and pathology analysis, we considered the pathogens due to old and exhausted, excessive diet control and emotional disorders, and the pathogenesis due to yield insufficiency, further exhaustion, liver failing to course freely. And finally bring out heart qi and yin formation deficiency, liver depression and qi stagnation, kidney deficiency, qi and blood deficiency syndrome types. We developed an effective treatment to those syndrome types; and nourishing the heart to calm the mind, dispersing stagnated liver qi for relieving, mind tranquilizing. We improve the alopecia and sleep difficulty symptoms within one month.
Keywords:Alopecia, pathogenesis and pathology