


Intractable Chest Pain Treated with Traditional Chinese MedicineA Case Report
戴有志1* 陈玟2
1 佛教慈济医疗财团法人台北慈济医院中医部,台北,台湾
2 长庚纪念医院中医部,桃园,台湾
「胸痛」为现今患者就诊常见的主诉之ㄧ。临床以胸部憋闷、疼痛,甚则胸痛彻背,短气,喘息不得卧等为主要表现。藉由详细的病史询问、症状及理学检查,先排除可能致命的疾病,包括急性心肌梗塞、主动脉剥离、肺动脉栓塞、张力性气胸及肺炎。现代医学一般将胸痛分为「心因性」及「非心因性」,心因性疾病常见狭心症、心肌梗塞、主动脉剥离、心肌炎、心包膜炎、肺栓塞等;非心因性疾病常见有气胸、肺炎、胃食道逆流、食道破裂、带状疱疹、中膈腔脓疡、肌肉骨骼神经病变等。其中约60% 的胸痛诊断为非器质性疼痛,以肌肉骨骼系统疾病为最常见的原因,约30%,其中肋软骨炎占13%。本篇病例报告一位胸痛持续长达十五年时间的43 岁男性,经西医检查排除内脏器质性病变,诊断为肋软骨炎,给予具轻微止痛效果的抗忧郁药Tofranil,建议观察追踪。2013 年10 月底开始至中医诊治,临床诊断为胸痹,证属肝郁气滞兼夹血瘀痰凝,治则以疏肝行气,活血袪瘀,化痰止痛。经科学中药复方柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤为主方加减治疗,二周後症状减缓,服西药次数、剂量减少,约二个月後,可完全停服西药。藉此个案说明中医药治疗顽固性胸痛有确实之疗效,值得合理推广。
Tai Yu-Chih1* Chen Wen2
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Chinese Internal Medicine, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
"Chest pain" is one of patients’ common chief complaints. The clinical manifestations include chest tightness, chest pain, short breath, and hard to take a breather when lying. With detailed history, symptoms and physical examination, patient can be rule out potentially fatal diseases, including acute myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, pulmonary embolism, tension pneumothorax , and pneumonia. In modern medicine, chest pain generally be classified as psychogenic and non-psychogenic types. Psychogenic type includes angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, aortic dissection , myocarditis, pericarditis, pulmonary embolism,and so on. Non-psychogenic type common includes pneumothorax , pneumonia, gastroesophageal reflux, esophageal rupture ,herpes zoster, mediastinal abscess,musculoskeletal neuropathy. The diagnosis of 60 percent of chest pain is regarded as non-organic pain. This patient is about a 43-year-old man with chest pain lasting more than 15 years. After western medicine examination,excluded for nonorganic disease, he was diagnosed as costochondritis, and treated with Tofranil. In addition, OPD followed up. By the end of October 2013 , he began to accept TCM treatment, diagnosed of “chest impediment”. The patterns of TCM was liver depression and qi stagnation, blood stasis and phlegm congealing. The treatment goals were to relieve pain by sooth the liver and move qi, activat blood and eliminate stasis and resolve phlegm. After the treatment of finished herbal product of CHAI HU JIA LONG GU MU LI TANG, his uncomfortable symptoms were gradually relieved during two months and finally stop taking medicine. This case report displays the efficacy of the TCM treatment of intractable chest pain. So it is indeed worthy for spreading.
Keywords: Chest impediment, CHAI HU JIA LONG GU MU LI TANG, TCM