


A Case Report from the Liver on the Treatment of Woman’s Insomnia
杨鲤源1 叶家豪1*
1 台北市立联合医院阳明院区
失眠是现代的常见疾病之一,且会影响病患的生活品质及日常生活功能。西医治疗失眠的药物主要为抗忧郁剂、抗组织胺及镇静剂等,虽然疗效显着,但却有可能产生副作用,因此许多患者转向其他替代疗法来治疗失眠,中医即为选项之一。除了中药治疗外,卫教也是提高病患睡眠质量的治疗方式。根据健保资料库的统计分析发现,台湾失眠患者常见的中医证型多为肝、心两脏的问题,与大陆所出版的教科书略有不同。本病例即为因情志导致肝失疏泄而失眠的病患,在中医介入之前一天只能睡2-3 小时,因此从肝论治,处方以加味逍遥散为主,并加上适当的卫教,在一个月的治疗後病患已无失眠症状。
Li-Yuan Yang1 Chia-Hao Yeh1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Yang-ming Branch, Taipei, Taiwan
Insomnia is a common health problem in the general population worldwide,and is associated with life quality and personal functioning in daily living. Drugs included anti-depressants, antihistamines and sedatives are used to help sleep.These drugs are effective, but accompanied by side effects. Patients chose other replacement therapies such as Chinese medicine to treat insomnia. In addition to medicine, sleep hygiene is believed to promote improved quantity and quality of sleep. By analyzing the National Health Insurance(NHI)database, we found the common pattern types are slightly different from China books, and most patients suffered insomnia due to liver and heart problem in traditional Chinese medicine sight. This was a woman who had suffered from insomnia for six months on account of failure of the liver’s free coursing. Therefore, the patient had been treated by Jia-wei-xiao-yao-san and appropriate sleep hygiene. The patient had no symptom after one month of regular Chinese-medicine taking.
Keywords:Insomnia, liver, National Health Insurance database, Jia-wei-xiaoyao-san, sleep hygiene