


Case Series Analysis and Literature Review of Fuzi Poisoning
陈威杰1,5 胡松原2 庄筱梅1,5 曾树城3 王振宇3 苏铭3
李威寰4 蔡嘉一1,4,5 李世沧5*
1 台中荣民总医院传统医学科,台中,台湾
2 台中荣民总医院急诊部临床毒物科,台中,台湾
3 台中荣民总医院药学部,台中,台湾
4 中国医药大学中医学系博士班,台中,台湾
5 中国医药大学中医学院中医学系,台中,台湾
附子是临床上经常被使用的中药,但因为附子含有乌头类生物硷的成分,故附子中毒事件并不少见,在2015 年台中荣民总医院通报附子中毒案件就有三例,因此附子中毒的临床表徵与发生原因是值得进一步探讨。回顾国内外的文献,附子中毒特色可表现在人体的神经、心血管、肠胃道三大系统;附子中毒原因可来自於误食、炮制不完全、煎煮时间不够、剂量过大等等。回溯本三件案例,其临床表现都是符合附子典型中毒症状,中毒原因可归咎於缺乏对於药物煎煮时间的认识以及可能来自药物炮制上的不完全。故要减少附子中毒事件的发生率,必须呼吁民众对使用附子需遵照合格中医师及中药师的指示,以降低中毒的风险。
Wei-Chieh Chen1,5 Sung-Yuan Hu2 Hsiao-Mei Chuang1,5
Shu-Cheng Tseng3 Jen-Yu Wang3 Hsu-Ming Su3 Wei-Huan Lee4
Chia-I Tsai1,4,5 Shih-Chang Lee5*
1Department of Traditional Chinese medicine, Taichung Veterans, General Hospital,Taichung, Taiwan
2Division of Clinical Toxicology, Department of Emergency Medicine
3Department of Pharmacy, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
4Graduate Institute of Chinese Medicine, College of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University
5School of Chinese Medicine, College of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University
Fuzi is a Chinese herb widely used in clinical practice. However, fuzi poisoning is not uncommon due to its aconitum alkaloids. There are three cases of fuzi poisoning at Taichung Veterans General Hospital in 2015. Therefore,it is worth further exploring the clinical features and causes of fuzi poisoning.Reviewing domestic and international literature, fuzi poisoning results in presentations of neurological, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems as well as edible mistake, inadequately processing, insufficient decocting times and overdoses are common causes. Tracing the history of three poisoning cases with typical presentations after taking Fuzi 30~90 minutes later, they were caused either by insufficient decocting times or use of inadequately processing of Fuzi. In order to reduce the incidence of Fuzi poisoning, we appeal to the people to follow the instruction of their traditional Chinese physician and pharmacist when taking Fuzi to lower the risks of poisoning.
Keywords:Aconitine, adverse drug reaction(ADR), fuzi poisoning