
263.5 流感疫病下中医的介入── 以日治时期台湾在 1918 年大流感为例
TJ TCM.26(3) : : 67-80, 2023
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202309_26(3).0005
流感疫病下中医的介入——以日治时期台湾在1918年大流感为例Traditional Chinese Medicine Played a Role
When the 1918 influenza Pandemic Affected
Taiwan During Japanese Colonial Period
刘永晴 1 蔡承儒 1 陈光伟 1,*
人类史上曾发生多次流感大流行,若聚焦於近一两个世纪,1918年世界大流感可谓从未失去焦点,一再的被提及,尤其每当世界又出现流感疫情时。1918年流感也被称为西班牙流感,大约造成了全球3000万至5000万人死亡,超越第一次世界大战死亡人数,成为人类史上仅次於黑死病的致命流行病,可见其严重程度足以让此次疫情成为近代疫病史的主角。後续经历了一世纪,期间仍断断续续有规模不等的全球性流感疫情之纪载,如20世纪1957年的亚洲流感及1968年的香港流感,至21世纪2009 H1N1新型流感疫情等,即使现今医疗持续在进步,台湾及世界仍为 COVID-19疫情所苦。故藉由回顾1918年大流感爆发时,台湾正逢日治时代,当下的中医环境及针对流行性感冒的中医书籍记载,来省思中医在流感疫病下的介入,具有什么样的角色及可能的发展。
Yung-Ching Liu1 Cheng-Ju Tsai1 Kuan-Wei Chen1,*
Department of Chinese Medicine of MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Throughout history, there have been many influenza pandemics, with the 1918 influenza pandemic being the most severe outbreak in the 20th century. The 1918 influenza pandemic, also called "Spanish Flu", was exceptionally severe, killed an estimated 30–50 million people worldwide, exceeding the lives World War I claimed. Considering Spanish flu killed more people than any pandemic disease before or since, including the medieval Black Death, it is often mentioned in articles about pandemics in recent history. While tremendous advances have been made in medicine and medical technology, intermittent plague outbreaks still recorded from the 20th to the 21st Century, such as the 1957–1958 Asian flu pandemic, Hong Kong flu of 1968, and H1N1 influenza in 2009. Even nowadays, Covid-19 is continuing to spread around the world, causing great mortality and healthcare burden. Therefore, by reviewing the record in Taiwan through the 1918 influenza pandemic, which was a book written by a Chinese medicine doctor during Japanese colonial period, we can learn the experience of predecessor, and analyze the contribution of traditional Chinese medicine in global pandemics
Keywordsinfluenza pandemic, traditional Chinese medicine during Japanese colonial period