
262.9 隐伏的生命律动──古典脉学的文化探索

TJ TCM.26(2) : 89-100, 2023

DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202306_26(2).0009
The Hidden Melody in Life --- the Cultural Research of Classic Pulse Study
陈惠湄1 杨仕哲2,3 *
1 中国医药大学中医学系博士班 博士候选人
2 中国医药大学中医学系 教授
3 中国医药大学附设医院医学影像部 主治医师
Hui-mei Chen1Su-Tso Yang2,3
1Graduate Institute of Chinese Medical Science, China Medical University, Ph.D candidate
2School of Chinese Medicine,College of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University,professor
3Department of Medical Imaging, China Medical University Hospital,doctor
The study of pulse occupies an important aspect of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in mainly two ways. One concerns the meridian theory and relates to the divination concept of TCM human body because it is one of their main components. Secondly, the study of pulse involves in the determination of position, phenomenon, and corresponding diseases of pulse diagnosis. Most of the literature of pulse study focus on pulse diagnosis and its related technological issues, but only few of them deal with its social and cultural influences. Thus, other than the historical development of pulse study, this study intends to discuss affiliations of pulse study, to explain the position, phenomenon, and of pulse
diagnosis, and to uncover the related social and cultural issues.
【Keywords】pulse study; pulse diagnosis; pulse location; pulse phenomenon; culture