
262.8 以伤寒杂病思路论治新冠肺炎病例报告
TJ TCM.26(2) : 81-88, 2023
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202306_26(2).0008
Using the concept of Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases Treats for Coronavirus
disease 2019 : Case Report
罗元志1,2 周晖哲1 吴佩芸1*
1 台北市立联合医院仁爱院区中医科,台北,台湾
2 仁心中医诊所,新北,台湾
新冠肺炎疫情肆虐全球已长达三年之久,改变了人类的生活型态,虽然随着病毒不断地突变,感染者大多数表现为轻症,且其中腹泻是新冠肺炎最常见的胃肠道症状之一,根据多篇报告显示有2 至49.5% 的病例出现腹泻症状,并且说明造成腹泻的原因可能包含病程发展、医源性或药物副作用等因素。中医治疗新冠肺炎的处方中,由卫生福利部国家中医药研究所开发的清冠一号,对於改善新冠肺炎的轻中症症状拥有良好的疗效,但因清冠一号的组成药性偏寒凉,临床上患者若体质偏虚寒型,使用此方後常出现腹泻的症状。而本篇病例报告是使用苓甘姜味辛夏仁汤化裁并搭配桔梗汤治疗新冠肺炎住院的患者,其药物组成的药性皆属於平或温性,亦出现腹泻的症状。我们根据《伤寒论》书中提到下利的相关条文,探讨此病例出现腹泻的反应机转,推测腹泻应为病患身体机能恢复的暝眩反应,与使用寒凉药物产生腹泻的病因病机并不相同,供临床同道叁酌。
Luo Yuan-Zhi1Chou Hui-Jer1Wu Pei-Yun1
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Renai Branch, Taipei, Taiwan
Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19), a global epidemic, has been broken up for three years at least. It greatly changed the lifestyle of human beings all over the world. Because of SARS-CoV-2 rapid mutation to variable subtype, the infected show mild symptoms which one of was diarrhea, most common symptoms in gastrointestinal tract. According to the different reports, the results reveal that the prevalence of the diarrhea might range from 2 to 49.5 percent in the infected. Diarrhea would result from many factors, for example, natural course of disease, iatrogenic, or the drug side effects. The effects of NRICM101, novel Chinese traditional medicine, are eutherapeutic to treat mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19, was developed by National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, MOHW. However, diarrhea is a frequent occurrence of the patients who toke NRICM101. This paper is a case report about diarrhea after using the prescription of the modification of Ling Gan Jiang Wei Xin Xia Ren Tang and Jie Geng Tang. We want to discuss that whether the mechanism of diarrhea is reverse reaction or
not, which is based on the concepts of Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases.
【Keywords】Chinese traditional medicine; COVID-19; diarrhea; Treatise on Cold
Pathogenic Diseases; reverse reaction