
261.8 脊椎融合术後并发垂足针刺治疗探讨
TJ TCM.26(1) : 91-102, 2023
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202303_26(1).0008
A Case Study on Acupuncture Therapy on Drop Foot Caused by Spinal Fusion
吴伯浚1 蔡德丰1*
1 台北市立联合医院忠孝院区,台北,台湾
Po-Chun Wu1Te-Feng Tsai1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Zhongxiao branch, Taipei, Taiwan
Drop-foot, also known as foot-drop, means having difficulty accomplishing ankle dorsiflexion; it can be caused by malfunctions at the level of muscle, skeleton or nerve system. Physical examination can differentiate a damage at upper motor neuron from a lower motor neuron one, and the damaged locale can be further determined with the help of Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Velocity Examination. When facing with this condition, modern medication is limited to conservatory treatment such as physical therapy and assistive equipment, and surgery is usually considered only after the failure of the aforementioned methods. Traditionally, TCM associate Drop-foot with the ancient term “atrophic debility ( 痿证).” In this case study, I apply electric acupuncture on acupoints at Gallbladder meridian and Stomach meridian to treat drop foot caused by spinal fusion, and the result is sufficiently satisfying.
【Keywords】acupuncture; Yangming acupoints for atropic debility; atrophic debility;
Peripheral Nervous System; drop foot