
261.6 青蒿鳖甲汤合牡蛎散加减治疗淋巴癌睡眠严重盗汗之医案报告
TJ TCM.26(1) : 69-80, 2023
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202303_26(1).0006


Modified Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang and Mu Li San in the Treatment of Malignant Lymphoma
with Severe Night Sweats: A Case Report
吕秉勋1,2 杨淑君1 林宜信2*
1 佛教慈济医疗财团法人台北慈济医院中医部,台北,台湾
2 慈济大学学士後中医学系,花莲,台湾
淋巴瘤的发生率逐年提升,死亡率已上升至第九位。西医针对淋巴癌主要以化学治疗为主,针对B 细胞淋巴瘤的病人还可选用标靶药物Rituximab治疗,当淋巴癌大於10 公分或有某些局部侵犯时可考虑合并局部放射治疗。B 症候群如夜间盗汗、发烧与体重减轻为淋巴瘤患者常见之症状,然而西医对於此症状之缓解较无着墨,但是淋巴癌B 症状的严重度着实影响了病患的生活品质与预後。此篇案例报告一位因淋巴癌发烧及睡眠严重盗汗,一晚需更换八套衣服与床单,眠差影响体力与生活品质的病人,在服用青蒿鳖甲汤合牡蛎散加减一周後发烧与盗汗症状完全改善并得以继续进行化疗的显效案例。
【关键词】淋巴癌、淋巴癌B 症状、睡眠盗汗、青蒿鳖甲汤、牡蛎散
Ping-Hsun Lu1,2Shu-Chun Yang1I Hsin Lin2*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, The Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan
The incidence of lymphoma is gradually increasing year by year, and the mortality rate has risen to the ninth place. Western medicine mainly focuses on chemotherapy for lymphoma. Patients with B-cell lymphoma can also choose the targeted drug Rituximab for treatment. When the lymphoma is larger than 10 cm or has some local invasion, local radiotherapy can be considered. However, Western medicine has little to do with the relief of common B symptoms of lymphoma, such as fever, night sweats, and weight loss, but the severity of lymphoma B symptoms does affect the quality of life and prognosis of patients. This case reports a patient who had a fever and severe night sweats during sleep due to lymphoma cancer. He had to change 8 sets of clothes and sheets in one night. Poor sleep affected his stamina and quality of life. After taking modified Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang and Mu Li San for a week, the symptoms of fever and night sweats completely improved, and chemotherapy can be continued.
【Keywords】Lymphoma; lymphoma B symptoms; night sweats; Qing Hao Bie Jia
Tang; Mu Li San