
261.1 运用山元式新头针疗法治疗突发性耳聋之回溯性研究
TJ TCM.26(1) : 1-12, 2023
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202303_26(1).0001
Use of Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture
to Treat Sudden Sensorineural Hearing
Loss: A Case Series
高资承1* 杨哲铭2
1 医心堂中医诊所,台北,台湾
2 台北医学大学医务管理学系,台北医学大学双和医院,台北,台湾
目的:突发性耳聋(SSHL)是耳鼻喉科急症,其症状为急速听力减退,而严重影响病患的生活。山元式新头针疗法(YNSA)於西元1973 年由日本山元敏胜所研发,其治疗方法是采用身体上的刺激点(somatotope),而非传统针灸穴位治疗。然而,运用YNSA 来治疗突发性耳聋的研究文章仅限於个案报告。
方法:本病例系列报告为运用YNSA 来治疗突发性耳聋之统计分析。本研究收集了自2017 年8 月到2020 年6月间的突发性耳聋病患共89 位,采用A 点、耳鸣点、大脑点、第八对脑神经点、肾点治疗病患。疗效分成无效、进步<15 分贝、进步15分贝三组。本研究分成仅接受YNSA 治疗、同时接受YNSA 与西医治疗、并针对性别,年龄,治疗频率,距离发病时间,西医同时介入与否与进步速度与疗效之间,采取线性回归与罗吉斯回归分析。结果:结果方面,完全治愈病患共有9 位(10.1%);仅接受YNSA 治疗病患方面,所有变项均无显着差异;同时接受YNSA 西医治疗之病患方面,听力进步15 分贝的病患其年龄为无效病人之1.118 倍,距离发病时间为无效病人之0.926 倍。
结论:我们可以推论YNSA 对突发性耳聋之疗效优於传统中医针灸,且YNSA 合并西医治疗将有效改善病患听力。此外,YNSA 早期介入突发性耳聋效果佳,若能与西医治疗并行,有相当大的机率改善甚至治愈。
【关键词】突发性耳聋、山元式新头针疗法、Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture、Somatotopes
1YiXinTang Chinese Medicine Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
2Taipei Medical University School of Health Care Administration,Taipei Medical University-
Shuang Ho Hospital,Taipei, Taiwan
Objectives: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), also known as sudden deafness, it is an acute ear, nose, and throat disease with a symptom of rapid hearing loss. This acute disease may cause serious negative effects on the life of the patient. In 1973, Japanese physician Yamamoto Toshikatsu invented Yamamoto new scalp acupuncture (YNSA), a new acupuncture system that uses somatotopes instead of acupuncture points used in traditional Chinese acupuncture. As of today, there is only one case report of YNSA treatment of SSHL. As a result, this study is dedicated to introducing the case series and data analysis of YNSA treatment of SSHL. Methods: In this study, we collected 89 SSHL patients from June 2017 to August 2020. YNSA is used in the following acupuncture somatotopes: A points, tinnitus points, brain points, vestibulocochlear nerve points and kidney points. In terms of efficacy, we divide patients into three groups: ineffective, progress <15dB, progress 15dB. In the process of analysis, we divided the patients into two groups: patients who received only YNSA treatment and patients who received both YNSA and western medicine treatment. Then, this study analyzed gender, age, frequency of treatment, time of onset, the rate of progress and curative effect of western medicine treatment by linear and logistic regression. Results: Patients who were completely cured: 9 (10.1%). Patients who only received YNSA treatment: there was no significant difference in all variables. Patients receiving YNSA and western medicine treatment at the same time: a. Age: Patients with hearing progression 15dB are 1.118 times the progression of ineffective patients. b. Onset time: Patients with hearing progression 15dB are 0.926 times the progression of ineffective patients. Conclusions: It can be deduced from the data that the efficacy of YNSA is obviously better than that of traditional Chinese acupuncture. On top of that, the combined treatment of YNSA and western medicine will improve hearing more effectively. Moreover, in the early treatment of SSHL, YNSA is effective. If the medicine treats SSHL patients with YNSA and western medicine, there is a great chance that the patients can be improved or even cured.
【Keywords】sudden sensorineural hearing loss; sudden deafness; Yamamoto new
scalp acupuncture; somatotopes