
254.10 针刀拨罐疗法治疗足底筋膜炎的案例探讨
TJ TCM.25(4) : 105-112, 2022
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202212_25(4).0010
A Case Study Of Acupuncture And Cupping Therapy For Plantar Fasciitis
陈朝龙1* 杨宗翰2
1 台北市立大学,台北,台湾
2 康禾中医诊所,台北,台湾
足底筋膜是一层厚实筋膜组织,覆盖从脚趾直到足後跟的部位,支撑住人们的足弓,就像人体避震器,可吸收身体重量由上往下的压力,以及体重踏到地面上反弹的冲击力。但是若走太多路、运动过度,或是穿着太硬、太软的不当鞋子,便可能导致足底筋膜炎,每步都像是煎熬,寸步难行。52岁的女性上班族,三年来每早下床或是久坐起身踩地时,都会有足跟剧痛、足底像是被针扎的刺痛等症状,故於108 年8 月20 日至本所就诊。透过「象限检痛法」诊断为胫前肌紧绷所致,经针刀、拨罐,与复健运动「日式金刚坐」,治疗两个月後痊愈。
Chau-Lung Chen1*Tsung-Han Yang2
1University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2Come hope clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
The plantar fascia is a thick layer of fascia tissue that covers the toes to the
heel and supports the arches of people’s feet. It’s like a human shock absorber that
absorbs the top-down pressure of the body’s weight and the impact of the weight
on the foot. However, walking or exercising too much would lead to plantar
fasciitis. A 52-year-old female office worker had severe heel pain for three years.
Every time she got out of bed or stood up after sitting for too long, she would feel
uncomfortable. Therefore, she came to the clinic on August 20th, 2019. Through
the “quadrant pain detection method”, the symptoms were diagnosed that the
tibialis anterior muscle was tight. After two months of treatment, the patient was
fully cured.
【Keywords】Needle knife; traumatic manipulation; cupping and bloodletting;
plantar fasciitis; heel pain; tibialis anterior muscle