
254.9 活血化瘀法治疗女性失眠病例报告

 TJ TCM.25(4) : 97-104, 2022

DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202212_25(4).0009
Activating Blood and Removing Blood Stasis Treatment for Insomnia in Women :
 Case Report
林庭瑜1 林舜谷1,2,3 吴佩芸1*
1 台北市立联合医院仁爱院区,台北,台湾
2 台北市立大学,台北,台湾
3 国立阳明交通大学公共卫生研究所,台北,台湾
失眠是中医门诊极为常见的求诊原因,不仅大幅影响病患生活品质,也可能会增加慢性疾病的罹患风险,并减损病患的体力与白天活动能力。本病例报告一失眠超过两个月之女性病患的中医诊治过程。主要的症状有多梦易醒,且躺下後超过1-2 小时才可入睡,甚至半夜醒来仍思绪繁多、难以入眠,醒後仍感疲倦。医师经临床评估与病因病机四要素分析後,决定采取行气活血化瘀为主,宁心安神为辅的治疗方法,以血府逐瘀汤为核心处方,佐以酸枣仁与茯神宁心安神,丹叁活血化瘀,再稍佐茯苓白术固护脾胃。患者经两个月治疗後睡眠持续改善,不仅睡醒後较有精神,且入睡时间亦显着缩短。
Ting-Yu Lin1Shun-Ku Lin1,2,3Pei-Yun Wu1*
1Taipei City Hospital, RanAi branch, Taipei, Taiwan
2University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
3Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
Insomnia is a major complaint in traditional Chinese medicine clinics. Insomnia
significantly impairs patients’ quality of life and increases the risk of chronic
disease. In addition, insomnia also reduces the patient’s vitality and daytime activity.
This paper is a case report on activating blood and removing blood stasis in women
with insomnia. The patient’s primary symptoms are dreaminess, difficulty falling
asleep, and feeling tired after waking up. The traditional Chinese medicine physician
decided to activate Qi, activate blood and remove blood stasis as the primary
treatment method, supplemented by calming the heart and nerves. After two months
of treatment, patients experienced a significantly shorter time to sleep and increased
daytime activity. In this study, we adopted a different strategy than the standard
treatment and succeeded in alleviating insomnia symptoms.
【Keywords】Insomnia; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Difficulty Falling Asleep;
Activating Blood and Removing Blood Stasis