
253.7 雷射针灸治疗眩晕病例报告

  TJ TCM.25(3) : 1-12, 2022

A Case Report of Laser Acupuncture Treatment of Vertigo
陈櫂瑔1 周仁杰1 简俊安1 傅元聪1*
1 佛教慈济医疗财团法人台中慈济医院中医部,台中,台湾
雷射针灸是近年来新兴的一种治疗仪器,透过多样化的频率以及能量,结合中医针灸学、经络学等理论系统,以低能量雷射刺激穴位,发展出有别於传统针灸的全新样貌。因着非侵入性以及无感染风险,广泛的应用在各种肌肉骨骼系统疾病、神经系统疾病,以及许多急慢性疾病。本篇病例报告中,探讨一位急诊眩晕的患者,以雷射针灸搭配Vascular Autonomic Signal(VAS)的诊断技术,在耳穴上找出相对应的两个反应点,并结合中医四诊分析讨论,以低能量雷射治疗。希望透过这个案例分享,抛砖引玉,拓展雷射针灸应用范围,提供患者另一种治疗方法。
Chao-Chuan Chen1Jen-Chieh Chou1Chun-An Chien1Yuan-Tsung Fui1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, Taichung, Taiwan
Laser acupuncture is a new and emerging treatment instrument that uses various frequency and energy, combined with traditional Chinese acupuncture ,meridian and other theoretical systems to stimulate acupoints with low-level lasers, and develops a new look different from traditional acupuncture. Because it is noninvasive and has no risk of infection, it is widely used in various musculoskeletal system diseases, neurological diseases, and many acute and chronic diseases. In this case report, we discuss a patient with dizziness in an emergency department, andtwo corresponding reaction points are found byVascular Autonomous Signal (VAS) diagnosis technology on the auricular points, combined with the analysis and discussion of the four diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine, and treated with low-level laser. Through this case, it is hoped that laser acupuncture can be applied to various diseases and provide patients with another treatment method.
【Keywords】laser acupuncture; low-level lasers; vertigo; traditional; Chinese medicine;