
253.1 大肠直肠癌化疗毒性与舌象特徵之关系:一观察型研究

  TJ TCM.25(3) : 1-12, 2022

The Relationship between Chemotherapy Toxicity and Tongue Features in Colorectal
Cancer Patients - An Observational Study
林原禾1,2 蔡金川1,2 游荣圣1,2*
1 义大癌治疗医院中医科,高雄,台湾
2 义守大学学士後中医学系,高雄,台湾
FOLFIRI(Folinic acid/5-fluorouracil/irinotecan),并可能合并使用标靶药物治疗。此研究希望能藉由自动化舌诊仪了解化疗过程中舌象特徵的变化,并藉此探讨舌象及化疗处方之寒热特性。
结果:受试者分为FOLFOX 组(9 人)、FOLFIRI 组(9 人)与其他处方组(11 人),舌苔量在脾胃区、肾区、平均面积、最大面积在FOLFOX 组皆较FOLFIRI 组多(p=0.041, 0.038, 0.026 及0.03);FOLFIRI 组肝胆左区齿痕数量较FOLFOX 组多;FOLFIRI 组平均朱点量个数在脾胃区与FOLFOX组相比有显着的差别,FOLFIRI 组较FOLFOX 组多(p=0.03);其他如舌形、瘀斑、则无差异。
结论:从本研究可知,经过FOLFOX 化疗後,舌苔的面积其程度有加大的趋势,尤其是脾胃及心肺区,符合FOLFOX 药物影响脾胃升降,以至於体内湿浊邪气增加的特性;FOLFIRI 化疗患者脾胃区朱点增加,与FOLFOX组相比有显着意义,FOLFIRI 造成齿痕的量也较FOLFOX 组多,FOLFIRI表现出造成患者寒热错杂的特性。
Yuan-Ho Lin1,2Chin-Chuan Tsai1,2Jung Sheng Yu1,2*
1The Department of Chinese Medicine of E-DA Cancer Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2The School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate of I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Objectives: FOLFOX (5-FU/leucovorin/oxaliplatin) and FOLFIRI (Folinic acid/5-fluorouracil/irinotecan) are frequently used for colorectal cancer, and combined with target therapies. This study aims to investigate in using automatic tongue diagnosis system on the tongue features and properties of chemotherapy drugs by observation of the tongue features during chemotherapy process.
Methods: We recruited cancer patients who received chemotherapy in E-DA hospital for a year. We divided participants into three groups: FOLFOX group (N=9), FOLFIRI group (N=9), and another prescription group (N=11).
Results: As a result, the amount of tongue fur at the spleen and stomach area, kidney area, average area, and maximum area is more in FOLFOX group than in FOLFIRI group (p=0.041, 0.038, 0.026 and 0.03). The number of dental marks at left liver-gal area is more in FOLFIRI group than in FOLFOX group. The number of red dots is more in FOLFIRI group than in FOLFOX group at the spleen and stomach area (p=0.03).
Conclusions: Our study shows after FOLFOX treatment, the tongue fur area tends to increase, especially in the spleen-stomach and heart-lungs area. This outcome is consistent with previous findings that FOLFOX disturb the spleen-stomach system and result in the dampness accumulation. By contrast, the FOLFIRI increase the red dots at the spleen-stomach area and lead to more left liver-gal area dental marks than FOLFOX group. Our study shows FOLFIRI has the mixture properties with cold and heat.
【Keywords】Colorectal cancer; Chemotherapy; Tongue diagnosis; Automatic tongue
diagnosis system