
23S.10 COVID-19 防疫期间中医医疗院所清洁、消毒与灭菌的操作原理

 TJ TCM.23(S) : 135-144, 2020

COVID-19 防疫期间中医医疗院所清洁、消毒与灭菌的操作原理
The Operation of Cleaning, Disinfection and
Sterilization of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Hospital During the Epidemic Outbreak of COVID-19
曹永昌1 林恭仪2*
1 鼎昌中医诊所,台北,台湾
2 颂赞中医诊所,台北,台湾
Yong-Chang Tsao1Justin Kung Yi Lin2*
1Ding-Chang TCM Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
2Singing Praises TCM Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
During the pandemic outbreak of Wuhan pneumonia, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was responsible for providing a safe and pollutionfree medical environment. Cleaning, disinfection, sterilization and hand hygiene were an important part of virus epidemic prevention. This article sorted out the relevant principles and timing of use for Taiwan’ s traditional Chinese medicine in outpatients, inpatients, and consultations to increase clinical awareness, promote cleanliness, and upgrading of safe and well-established TCM medical practice sites.
【Keywords】COVID-19, TCM Hospital & Clinic, Cleaning, Disinfection, Sterilization