
23S.7从避疠到防疫:1940 年代以前之台湾医药疫史初考
TJ TCM.23(S) : 95-104, 2020
从避疠到防疫:1940 年代以前之台湾医药疫史初考
From Avoid Dusting to Epidemic
Prevention: A Brief History of Traditional Medicine Usage in Taiwan before 1940s
陈麒方1,2 野濑真3 孙茂峰4,5*
Chi-Fang Chen1,2MAKATO Nose3Mao-Feng Sun4,5*
1MacKay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto Univ., Kyoto, Japan
3Oriental Press Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan
4College of Chinese Medicine, China Medical Univ., Taichung, Taiwan
5The Union of Chinese Medical Association, Taichung, Taiwan
The epidemic is a threat to human survival, especially the cross-species
spreading coronavirus caused a large infection. Now when COVID-19 (Wuhan
pneumonia) is raging, we can learn something from past experiences. This article
reviews the history of public health in Taiwan before World War II by archival
research. We found that traditional medicine was related to the national epidemic
prevention actions to a certain extent, and gradually withdrew from the stage
after WWII. Examining historical records and implementing standard traditional
medicine (TM) prescriptions, may help promote TM materials into the official
clinical guidelines and allow more methods to assist the population in epidemic
【Keywords】Epidemic Prevention, Taiwan, Traditional Medicine, COVID-19