

 TJ TCM.23(S) : 83-94, 2020

Impact of Large-Scale Coronavirus
Epidemic on the Use of Traditional Chinese
Medicine and Medical Costs in Taiwan
王明仁1 林家琳1 周晖哲1 王品轩1,2 林舜谷1,3,4*
1 台北市立联合医院仁爱区中医科,台北,台湾
2 中国医药大学中医学系,台中,台湾
3 国立阳明大学公共卫生研究所,台北,台湾
4 台北市立大学通识教育中心,台北,台湾
前言:大规模冠状病毒流行是二十一世纪全球公共卫生的重大挑战,从2003 年严重急性呼吸道症候群(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS)疫情开始,一系列的疫情传播对公共卫生和医疗体系造成巨大的冲击。中医作为医疗体系的一部分,在疫情来临时也须做出适当的因应,以提供民众更好的医疗照顾。但大规模冠状病毒流行对中医利用率的影响仍未有研究触及。本研究旨在探讨大规模冠状病毒流行对中医使用率及医疗花费的影响,以及不同性别、年龄等不同族群在疫情期间中医使用率的变化。
方法:本研究为回溯性世代研究,我们使用全民健康保险百万人抽样资料库,撷取於2000~2004 年间中医就医资料已进行分析。本研究将於百万人抽样档中,筛选有接受过中医治疗的台湾全民健康保险就医资料,包含就医人次与中医花费,并依照不同性别、年龄及中医院所等级分别分析。
结果:我们共纳入了64,196,836 笔中医门诊资料,其中2002 年共13,357,263笔,2003 年则有14,554,405 笔。我们发现严重急性呼吸道症候群流行期间,中医门诊就医人次上升而针灸人次下降。在疫情最严重的五月份,中医总人数上升1.3%,相反的针灸人数下降5.1%。年纪较轻的患者在疫情期间门诊人数下降较多;医院附设的中医科门诊人数大幅下降,而中医诊所的门诊人数则显着上升。中医医疗整体花费在大规模流行期间稳定上升,但部分负担则下降。
Ming-Jen Wang1Chia-Lin Lin1Hui-Zhe Zhou1Pin-Hsuan Wang1,2
Shun-Ku Lin1,3,4
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Ren-Ai Branch. Department of
Health, Taipei City Government, Taipei, Taiwan
2School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
3Institute of Public Health, National Yangming University, Taipei, Taiwan
4School of General Education Center, University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
Introduction: The large-scale coronavirus epidemic is a major global public health challenge in the 21st century. Since the 2003 Severe Acute Respiratory  Syndrome (SARS) epidemic has caused a huge impact on public health and medical systems. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), as part of the medical system, must also respond appropriately when the epidemic occurs to provide better medical care for the people. However, the impact of large-scale coronavirus epidemic on the utilization rate and quality of traditional Chinese medicine has not been touched by research. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of large-scale coronavirus epidemic on the utilization rate and cost of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as the changes in the utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine among different ethnic groups such as gender and age during the epidemic.
Method: This study is a retrospective cohort study. We used a sample database of millions of people from the Health and Welfare Data Science Center. We analyze the data of traditional Chinese medicine treatment from 2000 to 2004. In this study, a sample file of millions of people will be screened to select medical information of Taiwan National Health Insurance who have received Chinese medical treatment, including the date of medical treatment, diagnosis, treatment,
and cost. We will analyze the changes in the utilization rate of TCM and medical expenses from March 2003 to September 2003, and the results compared with last year.
Results: We included 64,196,836 TCM outpatient data, of which 13,357,263 were in 2002 and 14,554,405 in 2003. We found that during the epidemic of the severe acute respiratory syndrome, the number of outpatient visits in TCM clinics increased while the number of acupuncture visits declined. In May, when the epidemic was the worst, the total number of Chinese medicine surged by 1.3%, while the number of acupuncture fell by 5.1%. The number of outpatients of younger patients decreased more during the epidemic; the number of outpatients in Chinese medicine departments attached to the hospital dropped significantly, while the number of outpatients in Chinese medicine clinics increased significantly.
Conclusion: This study found that a large-scale coronavirus epidemic significantly affects the utilization rate and medical cost of Taiwanese traditional Chinese medicine, and has different effects on patients of different ages and diagnoses.
【Keywords】Coronavirus, large-scale epidemic, Taiwan, traditional Chinese
medicine, utilization rate, medical cost