
23S.3 中医医疗机构因应严重特殊传染性肺炎(COVID-19)感染管制措施指引

 TJ TCM.23(S) : 35-56, 2020

Guideline on Infection Management and
Control for COVID-19 (Wuhan Pneumonia) in
Hospital and Institute of Traditional Medicine
王明凤1 吴诗仪2 卢景裕3 唐佑任4 林恭仪3*
1 美和科技大学社会工作系,谘商辅导中心暨资源教室,屏东,台湾
2 圆扶圆中医诊所,台中,台湾
3 颂赞中医诊所,台北,台湾
4 台北医学大学附设医院传统医学科,台北,台湾
研究方法:本研究时间自2019 年12 月到2020 年4 月止,收集学者专家资讯互动资料,采电子会议分析混和法,并以多元回归二次指派程序厘清讯网络榘阵关系。
结果:共呈现门诊区域病人分流看诊管制、个案通报处置流程、医疗机构接触匡列原则、工作人员管制、陪探病管理、个人防护装备、手部卫生、仪器设备管理、环境清消重点、织品布单与被服管制、医疗废弃物处置、检体安全管理、重症会诊医疗照护、单位部门病人传送、友院机构病人转送、尸体处理、与中医机构检查表与自评表共17 项建议,适用於中医医院、附设中医科部或中医住院部门感控导引措施。
结论:以严谨科学法制订对中医医疗院所感控有效性(effectiveness)、工程/ 环境控制策略(engineering/environmental controls)、个人防护装备(personal protective equipment, PPE)等行政策略(administrative controls)的指引管理,为中医机构提供支持性照护COVID-19 病人的标准防护、飞沫传染、接触传染及空气传染防护措施建议,未来将视疫情发展持续进行必要的建议修订。
Ming-Feng Wang1Shih-Yi Wu2Ching-Yu Lu3You-Ien Tang4
Justin Kung Yi Lin3*
1Mei-Ho University, Pingtung, Taiwan
2Yuan-Fu-Yuan TCM Clinic, Taichung, Taiwan
3Singing Praises TCM Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
4Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taipei Medical Univesity Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Background: As Wuhan pneumonia was rampant in the world, all international and domestic medical community were actively responded to avoid uncontrollable infections in hospitals. No matter what, it was really necessary to formulate infection control measures with characteristics of complete Chinese medicine hospital and facility.
Methods: To complete the guideline on infection management and Control for COVID-19, all data was collected from December 2019 to April 2020. We collected interactive information of scholars and experts, adopts electronic conference by mixed method, and clarified the relationship between the information network matrix by test R2 of multiple regression quadratic assignment procedure. In this study, we used modified Delphi method to revise the contexture of guideline in primary care viewpoints by selecting the important content with Likert scale.
Results: All contents were divided into seventeen domains of recommendation, including outpatient area patient diversion control, case notification and disposal process, medical institution contact list principle, staff control, accompanying visit management, personal protective equipment, hand hygiene, equipment management, environmental clearance focus, fabric sheets and clothing control, medical waste disposal, specimen safety management, critical care medical
care, unit department patient transfer, hospital institution patient transfer, corpse treatment, and Chinese medicine institution inspection form and self-evaluation
form, It was applicable to the guidance and infection control of Chinese medicine hospital, Chinese medicine department and Chinese medicine inpatient hospital. Conclusions: This study formulated administrative strategies such as effectiveness, engineering / environmental controls, personal protective equipment (PPE) and other administrative strategies by using strict scientific methodology to provide supportive care for Chinese hospital fighting against COVID-19. We will continue to make necessary amendments in the future depending on the development of the epidemic situation.
【Keywords】Chinese Medicine Hospital, Department of TCM in hospital, TCM
Inpatient, Infection Control, COVID-19