
252.10 贝尔氏麻痹(Bell’s palsy)的针灸治疗病例报告
TJ TCM.25(2) : 123-134, 2022
贝尔氏麻痹(Bell’s palsy)的针灸治疗病例报告
A Case Report of Acupuncture Treatment of Bell’s Palsy
傅朝麟1 沈炫枢1 何宗融1 林崇舜1*
1 花莲慈济医院中医部,花莲,台湾
一位66 岁女性病患,出游感冒後出现面瘫-贝尔氏麻痹,发病後第4天以西医口服类固醇一周治疗效果不显着,於发病後第12 天至花莲慈济医院中医部就诊,就诊时颜面神经麻痹分级为House-Brackman Grade IV,但於中医初诊後再次出游,复诊与初诊已间隔两周,距发病时间已有25 天,处於恢复期(发病後 21-70 天),至此才规律接受针灸治疗,经过近2 个月治疗後,颜面神经麻痹分级改善为House-Brackman Grade II,此个案在错失急性期(发病後 1-7 天)的针灸治疗时间,於恢复期才接受规律的针灸治疗,仍可见相当程度的改善。
Chao-Lin Fu1Hsuan-Shu Shen1Tsung-Jung Ho1Chung-Shuen Lin1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, Hualien, Taiwan
A 66-year-old female patient developed facial paralysis-Bell’s palsy after traveling with a cold. 4 days after the onset, oral steroid treatment by western medicine was not effective. 12 days after the onset, she went to the out-patient department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital. It is graded as House-Brackman Grade IV, but her traveled again after the first visit of Chinese medicine. There have been two weeks between the return visit and the first visit. It has been 25 days since the onset of the disease. It is in the recovery stage (21-70 days after the onset). After nearly 2 months of treatment, the facial nerve palsy grade improved to House-Brackman Grade II. This case missed the acupuncture treatment in the acute stage (1-7 days after the onset), and received regular acupuncture treatment during the recovery stage. A considerable degree of improvement can still be seen.
【Keywords】facial paralysis; Bell’s palsy; House-Brackman Grade; Acupuncture