
252.9 中医治疗小儿盗汗之病例报告

 TJ TCM.25(2) : 111-122, 2022

A Case Report Night Sweat in Children
Treated with Chinese Medicine
刘远晸1 陈婉伶1*
1 台中荣民总医院,台中,台湾
本病例为一位4 岁3 个月男童,本身有缺铁性贫血,自一年多前表现夜眠盗汗,并有感冒次数增加,曾到西医门诊但无明确诊断,因此到中医门诊寻求治疗,中医诊断为营卫不和,透过科学中药桂枝汤加减的治疗6 周後,患童的盗汗症状在2 个月内缓解,且期间无感冒症状,为一个中医治疗儿童盗汗的有效案例。由於西方医学,对於小儿盗汗较少相关文献,透过中医文献的蒐集与整理,思考小儿盗汗的病机与其治疗方式,提供此一临床有效案例给同道叁考。
Yuan-Cheng Liu1Wan-Ling Chen1*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taichung Veterans General Hospital,Taichung, Taiwan
This case is a 4-year-3-month-old boy, with iron-deficiency anemia. He was noticed with night sweat during sleeping for one year, and increasing times of flu with the symptoms of fever, rhinorrhea, cough. The boys was brought to pediatric clinic without clear diagnosis. Thus, he was brought to traditional Chinese medicine clinic for further evaluation and treatment. He was diagnosed with disharmony between ying and wei. After treatment with Gui Zhi Tang for six weeks, the symptoms improved obviously in two months, without night sweat and flu. Due to few data was discussed in western medicine, we provide a well curative case for discussion of Chinese medicine with Gui Zhi Tang in treatment of night sweat in children..
【Keywords】children; night sweat; Chinese medicine; Gui Zhi Tang