
252.7 针刺十宣穴配合雷射针灸治疗腕隧道症候群之病例报告
TJ TCM.25(2) : 95-100, 2022


Ten Dispersing Points Acupuncture
Combined With Laser Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Case Report
Ching-Ti Ni1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Yuli Tzuchi Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan
Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common compressive neuropathy, and there is still room for improvement in both conservative and surgical treatments. This article reports a female patient in her fifties who suffered from numbness and tingling in her fingers and palms due to compressi7n of the median nerve. In the absence of other treatments, after five times of acupuncture at ten dispersing points combined with laser acupuncture, the numbness and tingling sensation of the affected area were significantly improved. It can be seen that acupuncture at ten dispersing points combined with laser acupuncture can be regarded as an effective alternative therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome.
【Keywords】Carpal tunnel syndrome; acupuncture; laser