
252.4 《金匮要略》妇人「陷经」「腹中有乾血」「脏坚癖」校订与临床关系阐释
  TJ TCM.25(2) : 51-68, 2022
Revising and Clarifying Clinical Relationship of “Menstrual Blood Flows Back into the
Uterus”, “Dry Blood Stasis in abdomen”,“Formation of A Hard Mass in the Viscera”in the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber
张永明1,2,3 吕平安4 陈季襄5 黄轩5 李伊婷6 林淑銮7*
结果:校订後名词与经文:1.「陷经」本义为「经血逆流」,并非「漏下崩中」、「经脉下陷」或「经气下陷」;2.「乾血」正确病位在「腹中」,而非「脐下」,重订为「腹」中有乾血;3. 经文语句重订:「妇人,经水闭不利,腹中有乾血,脏坚癖,白物下不止,矾石丸主之。」
结论:1. 藉由「陷经」、「腹中有乾血」和「脏坚癖」三者临床先後发生的病理关系,诠释现代医学子宫内膜异位症,因经血逆流造成巧克力囊肿、子宫腺肌症和骨盆腔发炎等疾病。2. 重新探讨古典中医治疗子宫内膜异位症的相关处方思路。
Yung-Ming Chang1,2,3Ping-An Lu4Chi-Hsiang Chen5Hsuan Huang5
I-Ting Lee6Shu-Luan Lin7*
1PT Fengyuan Chinese Medicine Clinics, Taichung, Taiwan
2The School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
3Chinese Medicine Department, E-Da Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
4Department of Chinese Medicine, Changhua Christian Hospital (CCH), Changhua, Taiwan
5School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
6Department of Chinese Medicine, SHOW-CHWAN Memorial Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan
7PT Lukang Chinese Medicine Clinics, Changhua, Taiwan
Background: The contents of “Menstrual blood flows back into the uterus”, “Dry blood stasis in abdomen”, “Formation of a hard mass in viscera” in chapter XXII, Miscellaneous Gynecological Diseases of the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber are considerably confusing thus made clinical interpretations and practicing difficult and inconsistent.
Purpose: To identify the original meaning of the terms and missing words and recompose the misplaced paragraphs.
Methods: Analyzing articles by grammatology and comparing syntax and grammar between similar sentences.
1. The original meaning of “Menstrual blood flows back into the uterus” ( 陷经) is retrograde menstruation instead of menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, meridian sinking,or channel qi sinking.
2. The location of “Dry blood stasis in abdomen” is in abdomen rather than below the umbilicus. The paragraph is revised as “Dry blood stasis in the abdomen”.
3. Revised the paragraph as “Women experiences menolipsis, scanty menstruation, and the formation of a hard mass in the uterus, ovary and abdominal cavity which remains there for a long time. Dry blood stasis is also presented in the abdomen. Leukorrhea is also presented. Pills of Alumen can be adopted to cure these syndrome.”
1. Identify the clinical presentation orders and pathological relations of “Retrograde menstruation”, “Dry blood stasis in abdomen” and “Formation of a hard mass in viscera” to interpret Endometriosis which causes chocolate cysts, adenomyosis and pelvic inflammatory disease by retrograde menstruation.
2. Re-discuss the thinking process of related formulas used to treat endometriosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
【Keywords】“Retrograde menstruation”(陷经); “Dry blood stasis”(乾血);“Formation of a hard mass in viscera”(脏坚癖); “Leukorrhea”(下白物); “Pills of Alumen”(矾石丸)