
252.1 传统中医多元整合治疗对乳癌病患西医治疗後副作用的缓解成效:回顾性研究
 TJ TCM.25(2) : 1-16, 2022 15
The Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine Multiple Integrational Treatment for the Management of Therapy-Related Adverse Events in Patients with Breast Cancer:A Retrospective Study
吴勇璋1 吴修安1 陈建宏1 谢明宪1 邱荣鹏1 郑凤翔2 许中华1*
1 台北市立联合医院林森中医昆明院区,台北,台湾
2 台北市立联合医院教学研究部,台北,台湾
目的:本研究以病历回溯方式分析在接受西医治疗的乳癌病患,以传统中医多元整合模式介入後,运用常见毒性标准量表(Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, CTCAE)、台湾版简明疲惫量表(Brief Fatigue Inventory-Taiwan Form, BFI-T)、台湾简明版世界卫生组织生活品质量表(WHOQOL-BREF),分析其西医治疗副作用的缓解程度。
方法:收录於2017 年6 月至2019 年11 月於林森中医昆明院区癌症日间延长照护门诊接受中医治疗的乳癌病人(符合癌(ICD-10:C50.0-C50.929)之诊断)的所有病历,排除无法完成量表或纪录不全的资料,使用IBM SPSS 统计软体VERSION21 对问卷结果进行成对样本t 检定与广义估计方程式(Generalizedestimating equations)分析。
结果:发现每次收案的治疗次数超过10 次的,与疾病较严重的後期病患(3-4期),有较好的治疗成效,他们的CTCAE 减少分数与疲倦改善程度均较另一组来的多,虽然两组差异在统计上没有达到显着意义。使用广义估计方程式的分析後,发现CTCAE 的下降,与台湾简明版世界卫生组织生活品质量表(WHOQOL-BREF)改善分数呈正相关,与每位病患收案的次数呈负相关。
结论:以传统中医多元整合模式介入西医治疗中的乳癌病患,对於後期且每次收案治疗次数大於10 次的病患,较能缓解西医治疗造成的副作用与改善活品质,但仍需有更大规模的收案与进一步的研究来支持此结论。
Yung-Chang Wu1Hsiu-An Wu1Chien-Hung Chen1Ming-Hsien Hsieh1
Jung-Peng Chiu1Feng- Shiang Cheng2Chung-Hua Hsu1*
1Linsen Chinese Medicine and Kunming Branch, Taipei City Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Education and Research, Taipei City Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
The effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for the management of therapy-related adverse events in patients with breast cancer will be confirm in this study. The results were evaluated by common terminology criteria for adverse events (CTCAE), brief fatigue inventory-Taiwan form (BFI-T),world health organization quality of life questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF). We collected the data from June 2017 to November 2019, then analyze by paired sample t-test and generalized estimating equations. Patient received more than 10 treatments each period and late stage (stage 3-4) had better benefit. Reduction of CTCAE score and fatigue improvement were better than the other group, although there was not statistically significant. It means TCM could improve the adverse effects in patient with breast cancer. However, more large-scale acceptance and further research are necessary to support our study.
【Keywords】traditional Chinese medicine breast cancer therapy-related adverse events acupuncture