
251.10 小儿夜尿中医治疗之病例报告
 TJ TCM.25(1) : 126-138, 2022
A Case Report of Significant Curative Effect
of Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Applied on Children with Nocturia
庄嘉豪1 杨成湛1*
小儿夜尿是一个自古至今一直困扰着孩童及父母的问题,一般小孩可控制排尿的岁数常有不同,有些正常小孩在3 至4 岁才可控制排尿,但仍有些小孩持续被遗尿问题困扰。本病历为一位12 岁小弟,夜尿情形已数年,经西医检查无器质性问题,遂而寻求中医治疗。患童自108 年7 月起就诊治疗,临床诊断小儿夜尿,治则温补肾阳兼健脾益肺,以中药合并雷射针灸治疗一年至今,尿床症状明显改善,原每周回诊现已可拉长至每月回诊,藉由此病例探讨西医治疗以及中医运用於此患童之疗效,值得推广。
Chia-Hao Chuang1Chan-Cheng Yang1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, Hualien, Taiwan
Nocturia in children is a problem that has plagued children and their parents since ancient times. Generally, the age at which children can control urination is often different. Some normal children can only control urination at the age of 3 to 4, but some children continue to suffer from enuresis. This medical record is a 12-year-old boy who has had nocturia for several years. He had been under several examination and no organic problems was found. Therefore, he turned to Traditional Chinese medicine for help. The patient in this article has been treated since July 2019. The principle of clinical treatment of nocturia in children is to enhance the yang of kidney and invigorate the spleen and lungs. The follow-up treatment has been conducted for one year. The effect is worth promoting.
【Keywords】Nocturnal enuresis; Bedwetting; Nocturnal enuresis in children;
Chinese Medicine