
251.9 疏肝补肾法治疗高龄不孕病例报告二则
 TJ TCM.25(1) : 113-126, 2022
Infertility in Women of Advanced Age
Treated with Soothing Liver and Tonifying Kidney Methods: Two Case Reports
李维哲1 张馨予1 谢琼慧1*
根据国际妇产科联盟(International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics,FIGO)的定义,初产妇的年龄若超过35 岁,即属高龄产妇,社会的繁荣进步带动高学历人才的需求,递延初入职场的时间,导致晚婚,其结果是生育的年龄不断延後,但年纪却与怀孕机率成反比关系,因而高龄不孕求诊的患者屡见不鲜。本文报告两个病例为43 与42 岁女性,分别有经痛史与卵巢储量不足问题,并经历流产或人工受孕失败因而前来中医门诊。透过中医诊断及辨证,属於肝郁肾虚之证,采疏肝补肾法治则,并搭配月经周期疗法,依基础体温不同时期调整用药,两例皆於半年内顺利自然怀孕。高龄不孕常面临复杂又不易医治的挑战,故撰文对此二成功受孕案例予以探讨。
Wei-Che Lee1Hsin-Yu Chang1Chiung-Hui Hsieh1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Zhongxing Branch, Taipei, Taiwan
According to the definition of the International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FIGO), maternal age of 35 or greater at the time of childbirth is considered to be ‘advanced maternal age (AMA)’. There is a decrease in fertility with advancing age, and infertility becomes more pronounced over age 35.
However, late marriage and busy life make the age of childbearing delayed in our modern society. So, infertility at an advanced age is becoming a more and more important issue.
In this report, we present two cases of 43 and 42-year-old women with dysmenorrhea or a history of failed artificial fertilization respectively, who searched for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment in our department. In the view point of TCM, the symptom is due to liver-stagnation and kidney deficiency.
After the treatment of soothing liver and tonifying kidney, combined with menstrual cycle therapy, both of them became pregnant naturally within half a year. It is often complicated and difficult to deal with the problem of age-related infertility. Here we provide these two successful experiences to suggest that soothing liver and tonifying kidney therapy may be effective and applicable for infertility in women of advanced reproductive age.
【Keywords】Infertility in women of advanced reproductive age; Dysmenorrhea; Insufficient ovarian reserve; Soothing liver and tonifying kidney methods; Menstrual cycle therapy