
251.5 中医治疗仑谢亨特氏症候群之病例报告
 TJ TCM.25(1) : 61-72, 2022
Combination Therapy with Acupuncture
and Traditional Chinese Medicine for Ramsay Hunt Syndrome: A Case Report
林萱1 吴文泓2 郑秝丞1*
仑谢亨特氏症候群(Ramsay Hunt Syndrome)为第二常见造成周边型颜面神经麻痹的原因,仅次於贝尔氏麻痹(Bell’s palsy)。以耳痛、耳廓周围皮肤病灶、患侧颜面神经麻痹为典型临床表现,有些患者会伴随味觉异常、听力受损、耳鸣、眩晕、患侧流泪等症状。其发病机制为曾感染过的水痘带状疱疹病毒(varicella zoster virus, VZV)潜伏於膝状神经节(geniculate ganglion),在免疫力较弱的时候再度活化而发病。和贝尔氏麻痹相比,仑谢亨特氏症候群的颜面神经麻痹症状常是较为严重的,其自动缓解的可能性偏低,若未接受适当治疗,大约只有20% 的患者能达到完全康复。
本病例为一名52 岁女性,突发右脸麻木疼痛,诊断为带状疱疹病毒感染造成之右侧周边型颜面神经麻痹,伴随耳痛及听力损伤,经西医常规治疗3 周未改善,转介接受中医治疗。以通络熄风、补气化湿为治则,针灸疗程为主,中药服用为辅,规律回诊3 个多月,患侧面瘫、耳痛及听力损伤症状改善许多,整理中医的治疗历程及思路与相关文献,供中医治疗仑谢亨特氏症候群之叁考。
Hsuan Lin1Wen-Hong Wu2Li-Cheng Zheng1*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2Qiaotou Ma-Kuang Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is one of the most common causes of peripheral paralysis of facial nerve, preceded only by Bell’s palsy. The characteristic symptoms involve otalgia, skin lesions over the affected ear and facial palsy. Other accompanying symptoms include deception of taste, hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo. The reactivation of varicella zoster virus in the geniculate ganglion is the main cause of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. The symptoms of facial palsy are usually more severe than those of Bell’s palsy. Without proper treatments, merely 20% of patients can reach full recovery.
In this case report, we present a 52-year-old female with sudden onset of right side facial pain, who later diagnosed with peripheral facial palsy caused by varicella zoster virus. After conventional treatment for three weeks without significant progress, she was referred to the department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After continuing treatment over three months of acupuncture combined with oral herbal medicine, the symptoms have been improved, including facial palsy, otalgia and hearing loss.
【Keywords】Ramsay Hunt Syndrome; facial palsy; hearing loss; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Acupuncture