
251.3 台湾鼠疫汉医专书:黄玉阶《疙瘩瘟治法新编》
TJ TCM.25(1) : 35-50, 2022
Treatise on Taiwan’s Plague Monograph of
Chinese Medicine-Huang Yujie’s “The New
Edition of the Treatment of Pimple Plague”
殷扬智1 孙茂峰2.3 殷维亨4 蔡佳翰5 林昭庚1*
4Henry Yin Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine
目的:1855 年鼠疫在中国爆发,随着战乱及贸易,1896 年登陆台湾,当时日本殖民政府虽排斥汉医,然汉医以临床成效,得到民众和殖民政府的认同,黄玉阶更是其中的代表人物,其撰写的《疙瘩瘟治法新编》更是台湾目前唯一本汉医治疗鼠疫的专书,本文将分析该书对鼠疫的论述及治疗鼠疫的方药来了解当时台湾汉医如何治疗鼠疫,同时对比罗汝兰的《鼠疫汇编》,来比较两岸在鼠疫治则上的异同。
结果:《疙瘩瘟治法新编》於1898 年撰写而成,在当时已出现「鼠疫」一词,然黄玉阶因殖民政府之故,使用「疙瘩瘟」来为该书命名,隐晦的显出中医与汉医系出同源的精神内涵。
【关键词】黄玉阶、疙瘩瘟、鼠疫、Yersinia pestis、中医
Yang-Chih Yin1Mao-Feng Sun2,3Wei-Heng Yin4
Chia-Han Tsai5Jaung-Geng Lin1*
1School of Chinese Medicine & Graduate Institute of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University
2College of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University
3Department of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University Hospital
4Henry Yin Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine
5Graduate Institute of Integrated Medicine , China Medical University
Objective: The plague broke out in China in 1855. Following war and trade, it landed in Taiwan in 1896. Although the Japanese colonial government rejected Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at the time, TCM was recognized by the public and the colonial government for its clinical effects, and Dr Huang Yujie was one of them. A representative figure, his “New Edition of the Treatment of Plague” is the only book on the treatment of plague by Chinese medicine in Taiwan at present. This article will analyse the book’s discussion of plague and the prescriptions for treatment of plague to understand how Taiwan’s unique Traditional Chinese Medicine treated plague at that time. Additionally, this article will analyse Luo Ruran’s “Plague Compilation” to compare the similarities and differences in plague treatment between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.
Method: This article will use the “document analysis method” to study the book “The New Edition of the Treatment of Pimple Plague”, and compare the “Plague Compilation” by Luo Rulan of the Qing Dynasty in the same period. This article will analyze the similarities and differences of traditional medicine between the two sides of the strait; part of it will also look for evidence from modern documents to understand the principles of the Chinese prescriptions in the book.
Results: The “New Compilation of the Treatment of Lump Plague” was written in 1898. At that time, the term “plague” had appeared. However, because of the colonial government, Huang Yujie used “Lump Plague/bubonic plague” to name the book. Traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine have the same spiritual connotation.
In terms of the causes and prescriptions of the disease, although the “New Edition of the Treatment of Pimple Plague” and the “Compilation of Plague” both focus on the theory of “Earth Qi”, and the treatment policy is also to clear away heat and detoxify, and promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis as the treatment direction, we found the in the former, proper nouns such as “bacteria” from “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” to describe invisible epidemics, and the extensive use of Taiwan’s indigenous herbs and medicines.
Conclusion: Although there are many similarities between the “New Edition of the Treatment of Pimple Plague” and the “Compilation of Plague”, many modern medical terms, such as bacteria or blood vessels, can be seen in the former, and the traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions are used in the prescriptions. The combination with Taiwan’s native herbs can be said to be a major feature of Chinese medicine at that time.
【Keywords】Huang Yujie; Pimple Plague; Bubonic Plague; Plague; Yersinia Pestis; Chinese Medicine