
251.1 中医预防及延缓失能课程对社区长者之成效

 TJ TCM.25(1) : 1-18, 2022

The Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese
Medicine Prevention and Retardation Courses
for the Elderly in the Community
黄建荣1# 林舜谷2,3,4# 吴翠霞1 陈赞文1,5
陈晓钧1,6 吴建东1,7 黄法乔1 刘洁心8*
1 台北市中医师公会,台北,台湾
2 台北市立联合医院仁爱院区,台北,台湾
3 台北市立大学,台北,台湾
4 国立阳明交通大学公共卫生研究所,台北,台湾
5 旭生中医诊所,台北,台湾
6 悦展中医诊所,台北,台湾
7 咏生中医诊所,台北,台湾
8 国立台湾师范大学健康促进与卫生教育学系,台北,台湾
目的:分析12 周中医预防及延缓失能课程对於高龄长者失能风险与日常活动能力之成效。
方法:於台北市社区招募117 位65 岁以上具有失能风险之长者,进行为期12 周的中医预防及延缓失能课程,包含中医健康识能、药膳食疗进补、气功身体导引、经络穴位按摩等中医内容,以及认知促进课程、艺术音乐活动等课程。依据课程比例不同分为中医课程A 组62 人与B 组55 人。中医课程A 组气功身体导引与药膳食疗进补比例较重,中医课程B 组则着重於经络穴位按摩与中医健康识能课程。
评估内容包含骨质疏松性骨折指数(study of osteoporotic fractures index, SOF)、身体质量指数(Body Mass Index, BMI)、工具性日常生活活动量表(Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scale, IADL)、肌少症问卷(sluggishness, assistance in walking, rise from a chair, climb stairs, falls, SARC-F)、老年忧郁量表(Geriatric Depression Scale, GDS),以及介护风险筛检评估量表(Kihon Checklist)。我们计算连续性变项的平均值与标准差,类别变项则以个数及栏百分比例呈现。我们以独立样本t 检定(Independent sample t-test)检验两组之间的差异,成对样本t 检定(paired sample t test)检验课程前後的差距,并计算p 值和变化量。
结果:共109 位高龄长者完成课程与评估(A 组57 人、B 组52 人)。在课程进行前两组仅有身体质量指数(BMI)有显着差异。经12 周中医课程後,叁与个案在工具性日常生活活动量表(IADL)、肌少症问卷(SARC-F)、老年忧郁量表(GDS),以及介护风险筛检评估量表等各项指标上均显着改善,但介护风险筛检评估量表中社会功能风险则没有达到统计显着差异。进一步比较两种不同的课程模式,中医课程A 组在Kihon checklist 心理功能、认知、口腔风险,以及骨质疏松性骨折指数(SOF)与肌少症(SARC-F)风险较低,成对样本t 检定p 值小於0.05。
结论:12 周的中医预防及延缓失能课程可以促进高龄长者的日常活动能力,减少失能风险。不同侧重的中医课程可以更有效的改善失能风险的不同变
Jian-Rong Huang1# Shun-Ku Lin2,3,4# Cui-Xia Wu1 Zan-Wen Chen1,5
Xiao-Jun Chen1,6 Jian-Dong Wu1,7 Fa-Chiao Huang1 Chieh-Hsing Liu8*
1Taipei Chinese Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan
2Taipei City Hospital, RanAi branch, Taipei, Taiwan
3University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
4Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
5XU-SHENG Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
6YUE-ZHAN Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
7YONG-SHENG Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
8Department of Health Promotion and Health Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan
Objective: This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the 12-week traditional Chinese medicine course in preventing disability and dementia in the elderly.
Method: This study is a retrospective generation study. We recruited 117 elderly people over the age of 65 exposed to the risk of disability from the Taipei City community. Participants received a 12-week course on TCM prevention and delay of disability, including TCM health awareness, TCM and diet knowledge, Qigong exercises, meridian acupoint massage, cognitive promotion courses, and appreciation of art and music. According to the content of the course, we divided the participating cases into 62 people in group A and 55 people in group B. Group A of the TCM course focuses on qigong exercise and TCM diet therapy, while Group B of the TCM course focuses on herbal medicine knowledge, meridian massage, and TCM health awareness class. We used the following scales to evaluate the effectiveness of individual cases in preventing disability: osteoporotic fractures index (SOF), body mass index (BMI), instrumental activities of daily living (Instrumental Activities) of Daily Living scale (IADL), sarcopenia questionnaire (sluggishness, assistance in walking, rising from a chair, climb stairs, falls, SARC-F), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and nursing care risk screen Kihon Checklist (Kihon Checklist). We calculated the average and standard deviation of continuous variables, and categorical variables are presented as examples of number and column percentage. We used the independent sample t-test to test the difference between the two groups, paired sample t-test) to test the gap before and after the course and calculate the p-value and the amount of change.
Result: A total of 109 senior elders completed TCM courses and assessments (57 in group A and 52 in group B). Before the course, only the body mass index (BMI) was significantly different between the two groups. After a 12-week course of Chinese medicine, the participating cases improved significantly on the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (IADL), Sarcopenia Questionnaire (SARC-F), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and Kihon Checklist. However, the social function risk sub-item of the Kihon Checklist did not reach a statistically significant difference. We compared the effectiveness of different Chinese medicine courses. Group A of the TCM course showed more improvement in the Kihon checklist’s mental function, cognition, oral risk, and osteoporotic fracture index (SOF), and sarcopenia (SARC-F)).
Conclusion: The 12-week course on prevention and delay of disability in traditional Chinese medicine can promote the daily activities of the elderly and reduce the risk of disability. Sports-focused Chinese medicine courses can more effectively decrease the risk of disability.
【Keywords】Old Age; Dementia; Disability; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Community Care Center