
25S.21 中西合并治疗新冠肺炎後肌无力病例报告

 TJ TCM.25(S) : 187-194, 2022

Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine
Treatment for Myalgia after COVID-19 Case Report
高宇1 陈丽如2*
1 台湾基督长老教会马偕纪念医院中医部,台北,台湾
1 台湾基督长老教会马偕纪念医院复健科,台北,台湾
新冠肺炎在2019 年爆发,约在2020 年三月在全球引发大流行,2021 年五月在台湾肆虐。目前尚未有许多文章来描述,因新冠肺炎造成之肌肉疼痛和肌肉无力。重症患者在罹病後在加护病房住院较长,因此较可能造成加护病房後的肌肉无力。本篇病例报告为一位35 岁女性,在加护病房有高烧因此持续使用抗生素。脉搏波形心输出监测显示低心脏舒张末期容积量和系统性的血管阻力曾使用升压剂和输液。曾因高血钾而间歇性洗肾。住院81 日後,并发双下肢无力与上肢无法前举,经过中西医合并治疗,中医选用足阳明胃经足三里,手阳明大肠经合谷、血海、梁丘等穴道,患者肌力逐渐恢复。
【关键词】重症後虚弱症(ICU-acquired weakness)、新冠病毒(SARS-CoV-2)、中医
Hao-Yu Kao1Li-Ru Chen2*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
The COVID-19 broke out since 2019, and spread around the world from March 2020, and raged in Taiwan in May 2021. There are just a few articles described myalgia and muscle weakness caused by the COVID-19. Critical illness patients need to be hospitalized in the Intensive care unit for a long time, as a result, it is more likely to develop muscle weakness. This is a 35-year-old woman who was hospitalized in the intensive care unit for 81 days. She received the antibiotic treatment for high fever, vasopressin and fluid supply was provided owing to the PICCO revealed low diastolic volume and increased systemic resistance. She received on and off hemodialysis for hyperkalemia.
After that, she suffered from weakness of both lower limbs and was not able to raise the upper limbs. However, after combining the Chinese and Western medicine, performing acupuncture at the ST-36 Zusanli, LI 4 Hegu,SP-10 Xuehai and ST 34 Liangqiu her muscle power gradually recovered.
【Keywords】Intensive care unit-acquired weakness (ICUAW); Chinese Medicine