
25S.20 中医药缓解COVID-19疫苗接种後周边神经後遗症-病例报告

 TJ TCM.25(S) : 179-186, 2022

中医药缓解COVID-19 疫苗接种後周边神经後遗症-病例报告
Traditional Chinese Medicine Alleviating Post
COVID-19 Vaccine Peripheral Neuropathy
林庭安1 黄中瑀1*
1 台北市立万芳医院传统医学科,台北,台湾
本病例为僵直性脊椎炎患者接种两剂COVID-19 疫苗後,出现眼睑及下肢筋惕肉、头胀痛等肝阴血虚、肝风内动等周边神经症状,被确诊为肌跃症,以中药及针灸治疗後诸症缓解。
Ting-An Lin1Chung-Yu Huang1*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wan Fang Hospital, Taipei Medical University,
Taipei, Taiwan
The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic accelerates the development of vaccines. Several vaccines shown to reduce COVID-19 infections, transmissions, hospitalizations and deaths but some neurological complications associated with COVID-19 vaccinations are leading to regulatory.
In this case, we described a 36-yr-old female who was suffered from peripheral nerve symptoms, such as eyelid spasm, lower limb convulsions, and head swelling pain after receiving two doses of COVID-19 vaccine. The patient was ankylosing spondylitis taking conventional medicine but no known prior COVID-19 exposure. Through traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, peripheral neuropathy was alleviated. Thus, we reported that traditional Chinese medicine would relieve post COVID-19 vaccine peripheral neuropathy
【Keywords】COVID-19; Vaccine; Myoclonus; Traditional Chinese Medicine