
25S.19 净斯本草饮合科学中药治疗COVID-19重症案例报告

 TJ TCM.25(S) : 169-178, 2022

Treatment of Severe COVID-19 with JING
SI HERBAL TEA LIQUID PACKETS Plus Herbal Formulae: A Case Report
苏三华1# 俞馨媛1# 陈中奎1 何宗融1* 王健豪1*
1 佛教慈济医院财团法人花莲慈济医院中医部,花莲,台湾
自新冠肺炎(COVID-19)在全球流行以来,如何治疗新冠肺炎及其并发症成为重大议题之一。研究显示中医药可经由多靶点及多途径对抗严重急性呼吸道症候群冠状病毒2 型(SARS-CoV-2),并调节人体免疫、协助病患症状改善。此案例为一57 岁女性,因确诊COVID-19 及反覆发烧及双侧肺炎浸润增加,病情转变为重症後至本院治疗。入院後给予净斯本草饮浓缩液,方中寒热药并施,达到抗寒湿病邪之效用,期间因应病患证型及病情传变,予以科学中药真武汤合千金苇茎汤、真武汤合甘桔汤及六君子汤合桔甘汤,以祛湿化痰排脓、利咽宣肺,及平补正虚法,改善病患肺部、心脏系统并发症及恢复期气阴两虚等症状,帮助病人成功移除气管内管及脱离呼吸器,至解除隔离後出院。本文提供在临床上COVID-19 重症病患以中西医合疗方式治愈之案例,期望藉由此报告能有助於中医药在治疗新冠肺炎之应用。
San-Hua Su1#Hsin-Yuan Yu1#Jhong-kuei Chen1
Tsung-Jung Ho1*Chien-Hao Wang1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan
Since the global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is ongoing, one of central issues now is how to treat COVID-19 and related complications. Chinese medicine has been proved to fight against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) through multiple targets and pathways, regulate human immunity and improve symptoms in patients. This case is a 57-year-old female, diagnosed with COVID-19, suffered from repeated fever and increased bilateral pneumonia infiltration, and was transferred to our hospital due to her severe state. After admission, she was given JING SI HERBAL TEA LIQUID PACKETS which simultaneously contained chinese medicines of cold and heat nature, to dispel the cold-dampness pathogens. And we also prescribed the Zhen Wu Tang plus Wei Jing Tang, Zhen Wu Tang plus Gan Jie Tang, and Liu Jun Zi Tang plus Gan Jie Tang according to the patient’s syndrome and condition. These Chinese medicinal formulae can remove phlegm, discharge pus, relieve sore throat, disperse lung qi, and strengthen body resistance, further improve the patient’s pulmonary and cardiac system complications. After using combined therapy of Chinese and Western medicine, this patient was successfully removed from the endotracheal tube, weaned from the ventilator, and released from hospital quarantine. This article reports a clinical case of severe COVID-19 patient cured by integrative medicine and provides beneficial applications of Chinese medicine to treat COVID-19.
【Keywords】COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; JING SI HERBAL TEA LIQUID PACKETS; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Combined Therapy of Chinese and Western Medicine