
25S.16 运用清冠一号於COVID-19病例报告

 TJ TCM.25(S) : 137-148, 2022

运用清冠一号於COVID-19 病例报告
Taiwan Chingguan Yihau (NRICM101) for Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Case Report
沈欣仪1 柯君颐1 陈星谕1* 陈俊良1
1 桃园长庚纪念医院中医部,桃园,台湾
新冠肺炎於2019 年底爆发,并因其极高的传染力快速席卷全球,台湾亦於今年五月起经历一波大规模的本土感染。快速增加的确诊个案迫使医师必须尽快分辨危急及轻症病患,以确保医疗资源能达最大效率使用。另在高度传染性疾病的威胁下,传统中医望闻问切四诊合叁的诊治模式受到限制,在疫情下如何叁与疾病防治为当前主要议题。本病案为一68 岁有多重慢性疾病之男性,因发烧、呼吸困难至急诊求助,经筛检後确诊为新冠肺炎患者,并因慢性疾病及初起一般空气下氧气饱和度93% 被归类为重症病患,初始药物包括类固醇、Interleukin-6 Inhibitors(IL-6 inhibitor)、抗生素及Remdesivir,并於入住加护病房时接受清冠一号合并治疗。患者於住院隔日即退烧,十日内症状缓解而出院返家隔离。藉由此病案我们将讨论清冠一号在此类患者之适用性。
Hsin-Yi Shen1Chun-Yi Ke1Hsing-Yu Chen1*Jiun-Liang Chen1
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan Branch,
Taoyuan, Taiwan
The COVID-19 pneumonia broke out at the end of 2019 and rapidly swept the world due to its extremely high infectivity. Taiwan also suffered from COVID-19 epidemic since this May. The epidemic forced the physicians to identify severe, moderate, and mild patients as soon as possible to ensure that medical resources can be used with maximum efficiency. In addition, we should think about the ways to participate in disease control under the threat of highly contagious diseases with inappropriate traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis model of Wang, Wen, Wen, Qi. This case was a 68-year-old man with multiple chronic diseases. He went to the emergency room for fever and dyspnea. After screening, he was diagnosed as COVID-19 pneumonia. He was classified as a severe case since his had chronic diseases and the initial oxygen saturation in the room air was 93%. The treatment of severe cases included steroids, Interleukin-6 Inhibitors (IL-6 inhibitor), antibiotics and Remdesivir, and the patient received combined treatment with Taiwan Chingguan Yihau (NRICM101) when admitted to the intensive care unit. Fever subsided the next day after being hospitalized, and the symptoms were all improved within 10 days. With this case, we will discuss the applicability of NRICM101 in COVID-19 pneumonia patients.
【Keywords】COVID-19 pneumonia; Severe COVID-19 infection; Taiwan Chingguan Yihau (NRICM101); Case report