
25S.15 极重度新冠肺炎之中医会诊病例报告

 TJ TCM.25(S) : 115-136, 2022

A Case Report: Chinese Medicine Consultation for Critical Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
林家琳1 王明仁1 陈朝宗1,2,3*
1 台北市立联合医院仁爱院区中医科,台北,台湾
2 国立阳明交通大学传统医药研究所,台北,台湾
3 台北市立大学通识教育中心,台北,台湾
78 岁女性,无任何慢性疾病或手术史,2021 年06 月09 日因呼吸道感染症状至联合医院仁爱院区求诊,随即确诊新冠肺炎,收治於普通专责病房。住院10 天後於2021 年06 月20 日,因呼吸衰竭及血氧饱和浓度低下而插管转至加护病房治疗。西医依照治疗指引给予抗病毒药物、类固醇与广效抗生素。入住加护病房次日便於2021 年06 月21 日应家属要求,会诊中医。中医以清热解毒、化浊利湿、清肺排痰、理气和中,使气机通畅为主要治则。由於新冠肺炎病人的缘故,中医四诊可行性受到大幅的限制,故需辅以抽血检查与X光影像协助辨症。中医介入治疗至2021 年07 月07 日共历时17 日。病人於2021 年07 月12 日成功脱离呼吸器并转入普通病房,於07 月29 日顺利出院,而後固定回胸腔内科回诊,且持续追踪未发现有严重後遗症。从这个案例,我们展示新冠肺炎重症病人中医早期介入的益处。我们同时也说明血液生化检查、胸腔X 光与动脉血氧分析如何辅助新冠肺炎中医治疗,并且用於检视中医介入後的疗效,希冀可做为未来中医会诊同类型病人的叁考指标。
Chia-Lin Lin1Ming-Jen Wang1Chao-Tsung Chen1,2,3*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Ren-Ai Branch. Department of Health,
Taipei City Government, Taipei, Taiwan
2Institute of Traditional Medicine National, Yang-Ming Chiao-Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
3General Education Center, University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
A 78-year-old woman with no notable medical history came to Taipei City hospital Ren-Ai branch seeking medical treatment on 2021/06/09 due to symptoms of respiratory tract infection. She was diagnosed with COVID-19 and admitted to our coronavirus ward. 10 days after admission, the patient developed respiratory failure with low oxygen saturation levels and was promptly intubated and transferred to the intensive care unit. Antiviral agents, systemic corticosteroids and broad spectrum antibiotics were prescribed in accordance to available guidelines. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) was consulted at the request of the patient’s family members and treatment was initiated on 2021/06/21. The TCM principle of treatment included clearing heat and promoting diuresis, resolving dampness with aromatics, invigorating spleen and regulating stomach to facilitate qi-flowing. Due isolation requirements of COVID patients, the utilization of the four diagnostics methods of TCM were severely limited, so bloods exams and chest x-rays were crucial to guiding the prescription of TCM. TCM treatment was provided simultaneously with standard treatment of COVID-19 until 2021/07/07 for a total of 17 days. The patient was successfully extubated and transferred back to a normal ward on 2021/07/12. She was discharged on 2021/07/29 and has returned regularly to our chest medicine outpatient department for appointments ever since. Continuous follow up of the patient showed that she did not have any sequelae often seen in patients recovering from COVID-19. From this case, we demonstrated how early TCM intervention could help patients with severe COVID-19 infection. We illustrated how diagnostics tests including hemograms, biochemistries, chest x-rays and arterial blood gases could aid in the prescription of TCM for COVID-19 patients, as well as serve as parameters for observation of the therapeutic benefits. We hope this case could serve as a reference for similar patients enered during TCM consult in the future.
【Keywords】Coronavirus disease COVID-19; acute respiratory distress syndrome; respiratory failure; ventilator; traditional Chinese medicine