
25S.12 薛生白湿热病理论治疗COVID-19案例(含脉象分析)暨基层中医策略

 TJ TCM.25(S) : 89-98, 2022

薛生白湿热病理论治疗COVID-19 案例
Treating COVID-19 as A Dampness Type
Febrile Disease: A Case Report with Pulse Manifestation
1 东门中医诊所,台北,台湾
Yii-Jeng Lin1*
1East-Gate Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
Because of the isolation policy, there are no pulse manifestations in most of the case reports of COVID-19 treated with traditional Chinese medicine. In our case report, the patient who is professional in TCM pulse detection faithfully records his own pulse and blood oxygen changes during each course of the disease. This is a valuable experience.
At the time of disease onset, the pulse manifestation showed obvious dampness and heat going directly into the middle and lower part of the body. Thus, the patient was treated under the protocols of Shengbai Xue’s dampness type febrile disease theory. The patient experienced fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody sputum, decreased blood oxygen, significant weight loss, fatigue and shortness. He was not hospitalized nor used oxygen. He received Chinese medicine treatment during the whole course. By the view of the dampness type febrile disease, we discuss the observation points of the possibility of developing severe illness in the initial stage and the treatment protocol in each course of the disease. In post-COVID stage, we concurrently used Chinese medicine and acupuncture under the theory of “the pulse manifestation of fascial tension”.
【Keywords】Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan; the pulse manifestation of fascial tension;Weishu (BL 21)