
243.8 中医治疗男性不孕症之病例报告
TJ TCM.24(3) : 105-116, 2021
A Case Report of Male Infertility Treated
with Traditional Chinese Medicine
李家甄1 谢昌儒1 李佳颖1*
1 财团法人彰化基督教医院中医部,彰化,台湾
根据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization, WHO)的定义,不孕症是指一对夫妻在未进行避孕措施之前提下,有至少一年正常而规律之性生活,仍无法受孕,其中因各种环境、心理压力、生活习惯之变化,近代男性因素而导致不孕症之比例已高达50%。此为一35 岁男性,过去有过敏性鼻炎、痛风、高血脂症、原发性高血压、泌尿道结石、脂肪肝等病史。现已结婚超过五年,与妻子平时有规律而正常之未避孕性行为,仍尚未生育,初就诊之目的是为改善其痛风、高血压、脂肪肝之病症,因预进行人工受孕而於2016-02-27 接受精液检查,检验结果发现有精虫活动力不佳且形态异常之情况,伴随平时性欲较低下,能正常勃起但容易中途痿软,且有射精障碍的问题,经中医辨证论治,此病例属本虚标实,以脾肾虚损为本,兼有湿热痰瘀之标证,主方以茵陈五苓散合小柴胡汤,疏肝化浊利湿,佐以右归丸合加味还少丹,补肾养肝益脾,两者搭配相辅相成,藉由标本兼治,痰湿去则三焦得通,补脾肾则精气血足,经三个多月中药治疗下,有效改善精液实验室叁数异常:Motility 由27.5% 上升至52.3%,Progressing 由18.7% 上升至47.7%,且後续一年精液实验室数据亦皆符合标准值以上,故整理此医案作为中药治疗男性不孕症的临床叁考。
Chia-Chen Lee1 Chang-Ju Hsieh1 Chia-Ying Lee1*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan
Based on definition in World Health Organization (WHO), infertility is defined by a couple who cannot successfully fall pregnant with regular and unprotected sexual intercourse for 12 months or longer. Nowadays, 50 % of childless couples is indicated to male infertility due to environmental and mental pressure, as well as some living habit changes. In this case, a 35-year-old male, who had allergic rhinitis, gout, hyperlipidemia, essential hypertension, urinary tract stones, and fatty liver, has been married to his wife for more than 5 years. With regular unprotected intercourse, they are still struggling to have a successful pregnancy. The original purpose of Chinese medicine treatment was for gout, hypertension, and fatty liver. After a semen test for IVF, the analysis indicated that his sperm had irregular shape and poor motility. This combined with a lower libido, he has trouble keeping his erection and has ejaculation dysfunction during intercourses. After receiving more than three months of Chinese medicine treatment, his laboratory parameters had improved effectively and the follow-up semen analysis reports for a whole year the data revealed above standard quality. Therefore, this successful case study report can be a future reference for male infertility with Chinese medicine treatment.
【Keywords】Chinese Medicine; Male Infertility; Ejaculatory Dysfunction