
243.5 小细胞肺癌合并脑转移性肿瘤出血之病例报告
TJ TCM.24(3) : 69-80, 2021
Small Cell Lung Cancer Complicated with
Metastatic Brain Tumor Hemorrhage A Case Report of Treating
欧虹汝1 朱清兰1 林经伟1,2*
颅内肿瘤有一半以上属於转移性脑肿瘤,而肺癌是最容易转移到脑部的癌症,其中小细胞肺癌因为恶性度高、发现时多为末期等因素而影响病患存活率。本病例提出一名66 岁男性患者,以突发性眩晕伴随左侧肢体无力为主证,至本院诊断为小细胞肺癌合并转移性脑肿块癌出血而住院接受手术治疗。患者於住院期间同时会诊中医共同照护,出院後仍持续在门诊追踪治疗。临床上转移性脑癌以出血合并神经功能受限为表现并不常见,而中医药在癌症的末期阶段治疗上有其一定的临床价值,主要着重於扶正祛邪、调补气血、清热解毒、活血化瘀以帮助复原,改善生活品质,本病案於服用中药後,头晕、纳差、左侧肌力较差等症状皆有改善,并可藉由改善不适症状,以达顺利完成西医疗程之目标。在此提出中西医合作治疗小细胞肺癌合并转移性脑肿瘤出血的病案,以提供临床上治疗癌症脑转移的叁考。
Hung-ju Ou1 Ching-lan Chu1 Ching-wei Lin1,2*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan
2Tzu Chi University School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, Hualien, Taiwan
There were more than half of the intracranial tumors which came from metastatic brain tumor. In all cases, lung cancer is the most likely cancer to become metastatic brain tumor. Small cell lung cancer which is a highly malignant cancer affects the survival rate of patients, especially patients in the terminal stage. In this case, we propose a 66-year-old male patient who suffered from sudden onset of dizziness which accompanied with left limbs weakness before admission. This patient was diagnosed with metastatic brain cancer with hemorrhagic mass, and then admitted for further treatment after admission. This patient consulted with Chinese medicine for integrated care during the hospitalization. After discharged, he kept follow up in the outpatient clinic. Clinically, it is not a common situation for a metastatic brain cancer which is manifested as a hemorrhagic stroke. Chinese medicine could strengthen the body and eliminate evil, regulate qi and blood, increase anti-inflammatory effect and detoxify, decrease blood stasis, and improve the quality of life which had certain clinical value. With the help of oriental medicine, there were more patient who could achieve the goal of successfully completing the terminal stage treatment of western medicine. We propose an integrated treatment of Chinese and Western medicine in the small cell lung cancer with brain metastasis, which provides a clinical reference for treating metastatic
brain tumor and for further research.
【Keywords】Small Cell Lung Cancer; Metastatic Brain Tumor; Brain Hemorrhagic Stroke