
243.4 桃红四物汤治疗急性下肢腔室症候群之病例报告
TJ TCM.24(3) : 59-68, 2021
A Case Report of Acute Lower Extremity
Compartment Syndrome Treated with Tao-Hong-Si-Wu-Tang
王伟宇1,2 李家甄2 张渊雅3 林廉证2*
1 财团法人鹿港基督教医院中医科,彰化,台湾
2 财团法人彰化基督教医院中医部,彰化,台湾
3 财团法人汉铭基督教医院中医部,彰化,台湾
本病例为一位57 岁男性,2018 年10 月30 日因车祸导致右侧胫骨骨折并发急性腔室症候群之案例。2018 年10 月31 日由本院骨科部进行开放性复位及内固定手术(Open reduction internal fixation, ORIF)後,术後给予抗生素、止痛剂与肌肉松弛剂,患者右小腿仍持续肿胀与疼痛,症状影响睡眠,於术後第六天,2018 年11 月5 日,会诊中医协助治疗。本案例辨证为气血瘀滞、水湿内聚,治以活血化瘀,利水渗湿,选用桃红四物汤加味,搭配西药常规治疗,服中药後第三天,患处明显消肿,一周後,患者疼痛减低,可下床持辅助器自行活动。目前因中医药治疗急性腔室症候群之相关文献较少,故透过此病例,探讨桃红四物汤在腔室症候群的初步论治。
Wei-Yu Wang1,2 Chia-Chen Lee2 Yuan-Ya Chang3 Lien-Cheng Lin2*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lukang Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan
2Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan
3Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hanming Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan
* Correspondence
The patient is a 57-year-old man with right tibial fracture combined with acute compartment syndrome from a car accident. Therefore,treated with surgery by open reduction internal fixation. After operation, the patient was admitted for antibiotics, pain reliever but still suffering from pain with constant swelling on right leg and lead to sleep disturbances. The patient was referred to Traditional Chinese Medicine consultation on the 6th day after surgery. Patient was admitted traditional medicine treatment with Tao-Hong-Si-Wu-Tang(桃红四物汤)along with continuous original regular medication. The patient’s swelling subsided after three days treatment, one week later the pain start to relieve and the patient was able to walk with crutch.
There are still limited clinical research with regard to acute compartment syndrome treatment with Tao-Hong-Si-Wu-Tang therefore we still need to collect more evidence but leverage this case as preliminary report. 
【Keywords】Acute Compartment Syndrome; Tibial Fracture; Tao-Hong-Si-Wu-Tang